A Way

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Sabre's point of view
I woke up again. I wasn't sure how long I have been asleep for. I didn't feel any better I actually felt worse. A lot worse.

I looked around the room to see I was still in the guest room. This time I was alone. No one was around. Not even Time.

I slowly sit up to see how it felt. So far it felt okay. The sun was up higher outside so I must of been asleep for a while.

I get up weakly from the bed and the sick feeling in my body quickly coming back to me. I immediately wanted to sit back down, but I couldn't. I need to figure out where everyone else was. I slowly made my way to the door out of the guest room and then down the stairs. I found all of them downstairs in the living room. Lucas, Time. Illusion... wait Galaxy and Alex are here too?

"Galaxy? Alex?" I asked everyone who turned their head to me. Time was the first to react by going over to me and getting me to sit down on the couch.

"Sabre you shouldn;t be up and about you know what the sickness does." I guess Time steve already told everyone that I have the sickness that was used to kill all of the steves. I stopped the sickness from spreading by absorbing it from all steves into me accidently. At first I thought I destroyed it, but I quickly realized it was wrong.

I felt a lot of pain suddenly and immediately recognized what it's from. The sickness isn't just physically hurting me it's also destroying my code. My code that is inside of me, my memories, my physical traits, and movements too. It's like a robot in a way. With coding it can do almost anything, but if there isn't any it's just an object and nothing more.

It's been awhile since i've checked on my code, the only way to check on it without going into my true form is looking at my eyes, which I can't do especially around everyone else around.

"I know... I just didn;t know where you all were." Time seemed to understand that.

"Me and Lucas just finished a machine we can try to use to get the sickness out of you again." Galaxy says happily. He can always lift people's spirits just like Rainbow used to do before he died.

"That's good, but how did you two find us?" I asked Galaxy and Alex.

"I was getting very suspicious of Cyan- well Plague Steve. I knew Illusion was too so I decided to go and look for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere." Alec pauses and Galaxy spoke up,

"Alex came to me asking me if I have seen Illusion anywhere and I told her I haven't. I started to get worried so we both looked for him. In the end we couldn't find him and also realized Time was gone too."

"Sorry Dad..." Time Steve told Galaxy. I sometimes forget that Galaxy and Illusion were created by Galaxy steve. That makes him their father in a way.

"It's okay." Galaxy hugs Time who hugs back as Alex continues the story.

"Eventually we told the Overseer about what was going on, but he said not to worry about... He didn't seem like himself either. We also told him that you were missing too, but he didn't even care. So we left as quickly as we could and went into the forest to look for all of you."

"Alex... can you slowly turn around." Hearing how she described The Overseer reminded me of something Plague did when me and Rainbow encountered him. He used his powers to almost control Rainbow Steve in a way. He had a lot more energy and didn't have a care in the world. He was suspicious of Plague Steve, but then suddenly wasn't.

"Okay?" She turns around slowly for me. I look at her closely and thankfully I don't see any greenish blue rashes on her. The same ones I saw on Rainbow Steve.
"Is your arm or anything else itchy at all?" She looks at me even more confused.

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