Rainbow Memories

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I held the small plant in my hand. This is all that remains of the tree. The tree I am so connected to... I felt stronger as I held it close to me. I wonder how it came back... Everyone was looking at me as tears went down my face. It was beautiful... The Guardian smiled.

"It is back, just as it should be." The Guardian watched the single leaf blowing through the wind. It held on to the small stem.

"What should we do with it?" Lucas asked.

"Well! We need to plant it! So it can grow into a big tree again!" I smiled.

"Where is the problem... it's too dangerous and unstable for a tree to grow here." Elemental gestured to the area around us that was destroyed."

"And I want it to be somewhere where it will be safe... So it can't get hurt again..." This will be the tree's third time in life... Each time it was destroyed by a being of evil... I want it to live this time!

"Maybe near the village then?" The Guardian suggested. Blue Steve shook his head.

"No, there is so much fighting there. It was barely safe for us, the sapling wouldn't survive a single day there. Even if it would help all the other steves in the village."

"You're right... Do you guys know any places where it would be safe?" I looked at Lucas, Elemental, and Blue.

"I live in a forest close to the village, but knowing how big that tree is, there is no way I would be able to clear enough space for it. Even then it's too close to the village. The only other place I know about is this one here. Sorry, Rainbow."

"It's okay Lucas!" The small roots of the plant seemed to wrap around the palm of my hand. I took a deep breath to remember as I let a small pool of water form on my hand. There we go, so it doesn't dry out.

"Any places I once knew of are long gone now... I mostly used them for evil anyways, and my dimension is not suited for any plants." Elemental told me. I then looked at Blue.

"I got nothing either... I only lived in cold areas remember? There were the places we explored of course, but I don't know where we could find them, or if any of them are safe today."

"We have been to many places..." I closed my eyes and thought of everything me and Blue Steve saw together. Then the places only I saw... places with a lot of space and warm weather that-

Everyone would have forgotten by now.

"I know a place! I... I remember what the area looked like..." I thought of the green hill, and the fields around it. There was some damage to the area, but not much... not enough to cause any problems to the tree. It was so long ago too that maybe the lands fixed themselves already.

"I can take you there Rainbow, well everyone. Just think of the place." The Guardian told me. I nodded and we all gathered close together. I think of the few memories I had of this place. Where I first woke up... where I was first created. The area around seemed to have changed. The damage from the explosion after I woke has disappeared through time leaving this place smooth and filled with grass and wildflowers. I could see that the stairs for the entrance of the strange lab I was in were now destroyed and covered in moss, on top of the hidden hill was nothing but empty space. It was more than big enough for the tree.

"What is this place Rainbow?" Blue Steve asked me. 

"Where I was first created." I went ahead toward the top of the large hill. "Can someone help me find the center of this place?" I asked. 

"I can do that." The Guardian flew up into the air looking down at the hill. I watched him move around before landing on the ground and stepping to the side. 

"Right here Rainbow." I went over to him. Lucas looked to where the Guardian was pointing and dug for me. Light simply watched all of us. I placed the small sapling in the ground with care and covered its small roots with dirt. The single leaf gleamed slightly in the sunlight. I looked over at Elemental. 

"Can you help me make the tree grow? It usually doesn't take long for them to grow, but I don't want it to get hurt or eaten by a wild animal. I want it to grow." Elemental nods. 

"Of course. Let's let this tree go back to what it was before. Together." Elemental stood next to me and we took each other's hands. The Guardian urged Lucas and Light to step back. Once they were far enough away me and Elemental touched the small sapling. Together we let it grow. The small sapling quickly sprouted up into a small tree, but it continued to grow. With both our energy combined it had nothing stopping it.

We watched branches spread out waves with leaves of a rainbow reaching out to the size. As the three soon stood above me and Elemental. Elemental flew us both up into the air to keep up with this growth. Roots came out of the ground moving dirt along with it. Leaves that were no bigger than the palm of my hand turn bigger soon becoming the side of my hand and soon the size of my head. The tree soon had a large trunk that took up the size of a small house, and it kept reaching higher. Elemental and I draining ourselves quickly with this growth sat on one of the large branches so the tree could now support us. The tree reached higher and higher and the leaves became so thick that the sunlight that shines on us was nothing more but rainbows now. I suddenly felt a small burst of energy and used it to continue to let the tree grow. Elemental seemed to feel the same way. Soon the tree's growth began to settle as it was back to its large size. It then stopped altogether. I felt my connection with the Rainbow Tree of Life settle feeling at peace again being here in the overworld again. I felt safe. 

"That took more from me than I thought it would." Elemental sighs and lays back on the big thick branch. I laid against the base of the tree on the same branch. I felt tired, but not in an I never want to move again way, but as in an I feel like I am going to take a nap for a little tired. Elemental had to do most of the work. He already seemed to be closing his eyes and drifting away in the comfort of the Rainbow Tree of Life. It does bring a strong sense of peace and safety... I hope everyone who comes here feels the same way. 

"Elemental! Rainbow! Are you two alright?!" I heard the Guardian call out to us. From how close he sounded he must have been flying around looking for us. 

"We are alright! Just tired. You should bring Lucas, Light, and Blue up here!" I looked around and soon saw him flying through the leaves. I waved to him. The Guardian waves back then flies down and brings Light up first. He didn't seem to say a word as he just looked up at the tree. It's been a long time since has seen this place... He had this look in his eyes that reminded me of him when we first became friends. It is like this tree was bringing back a part of him that he forgot about. A few minutes later Lucas came back up holding a chicken. 

"I do not understand why you wanted to bring this random chicken up here Lucas." The Guardian sits on a branch above us where Light was while Lucas stayed on the same branch as me. He then got Blue Steve who instantly gave me a hug. He knew what this tree was and this is his first time getting to see it. 

"It's back I can't believe it's back! I really get to see this tree here. Thank you Elemental for helping Rainbow!"

"No problem..." He sounded tired and didn't bother opening his eyes. Lucas hands me the chicken. 

"I almost tripped over this chicken and thought you would like a new friend." I looked at the white chicken closely and felt connected to it in an instant. It sat in my lap without hesitation and snuggles with me. 

"You are a descendant of the Fake Sabre bloodline. Welcome Fake Sabre the Second New Generation. I'll just call you Fake Sabre for now though!" I hugged the chicken and gave it seeds. I always carry seeds around. 

"I knew it!" Lucas laughed and smiled, everyone else seemed confused. So I explained the legacy of the fake Sabre and the Rainbow Town. More questions were asked about the Rainbow Town and I kept answering, me and Lucas telling stories and fun things we did together with Sabre. I talked about the people we met and fought. Soon hours passed and the sunset. Elemental fell asleep hours ago and we all decided to stay the night. We all fell asleep in the comfort of the Rainbow Tree of Life that night. 

The next morning we all woke up feeling a bit more refreshed and headed back to the rainbow town. I couldn't wait to tell Sabre what we managed to do that night. The Guardian went back to the world beyond. I knocked on the door where Time and Sabre live in. I was surprised to find Galaxy and Illusion at the door. 

"Where have you all been?!" Illusion snapped at all of us. I took a step back. 

"Well we left and-"

"You know what tell it inside!" Illusion quickly grabbed Elemental's hand after cutting me off. He dragged Elemental inside. 

"Galaxy what going on?" Lucas asked him. 

"Last night darkness attacked this place. Time was left here alone with Sabre to fight them off... He fought against Shadow Sabre while keeping a large troop of infected steves from attacking the town. He got hurt... stabbed. Me, Alex, and Illusion only got here after Time got hurt." Galaxy explained. My heart sank. 

"What?! I'm so sorry, we just..."

"Come inside and explain, please." Glaxaxy seemed really worried, The rest of us came inside and I let Fake Sabre down on the floor. He wandered around without causing trouble. Time was on the couch and seemed to be unconscious. Elemental was holding him close. Illusion sat on the opposite side of Time. 

"I sensed the Rainbow Tree of Life came back, I left and found it in the ruins of the Rainbow Town. All of us knew we needed to plant it so we went to where I was first created. Me and Elemental grew the tree to its prime and it really drained us so we all stayed the night at the tree." Thinking of it now it was silly that we stayed for as long as we did, but at the same time, it was nice to relax for a little... Light put a hand on my shoulder. 

"It wasn't your fault Rainbow, none of us knew it was going to happen." Light comforted me with words while Blue Steve comforted me with touch as he hugged me. Lucas left and looked around for Sabre. I saw him go into the kitchen and didn't come back out. Where is Sabre anyways?

"Where is Sabre?" I asked Galaxy.

"He's making breakfast for everyone... He was lucky and only got a few scratches. I'm worried though since he is acting like nothing happened... I wonder if he is just worried about Time and not saying anything... What do you think Rainbow?" Galaxy asked me. I thought about it for a second. 

"Well, he does do that when he is worried, He likes to hide how he is worried when a situation is bad, but then he always talks about the problem and tries to fix it." It was a little odd of him not to act like he knew anything at all. 

"It is strange... maybe he just needs some time." Galaxy stood up and headed towards the door. "I'm going to grab more things for Sabre since he is cooking and didn't expect all of you to be here."

"Alright! See you later Dad!" Galaxy left the house. I sat down where he was sitting before. 

"Has Time woken up yet?" Blue Steve asked.

"No... after he got treated he fell asleep and hasn't been up since. I think he will be okay though. He did freeze a lot of people in time." Illusion told us. Elemental muttered something, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. He seemed upset... but not just because of the state his brother is in... I know that look. Guilt. 

"Rainbow! Blue! Light! I'm glad you are back." I looked at Sabre who only did seem to have a few scratches. I got up and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave you alone like that Sabre..."

"It's okay buddy. Lucas told me everything and you did the right thing. No one was killed so its okay." Weird... He seemed off. Just like Galaxy mentioned. He wasn't hugging me as tightly as he usually does... maybe he needs someone to talk to?

"If you uh want to talk about what happened we can." I offered him. He shook his head with a soft smile. 

"It's okay, I know Illusion already told you what happened. I have some food done, but it's not enough for everyone to have seconds so just dig in. You'll feel better once you get some food in you." Sabre comforted me. Lucas seemed to be helping bring out plates. Light got up and did the same. It was just pancakes and bacon and eggs. Sabre didn't put any eggs on my plate since he knows I don't like eating straight-up eggs. It reminds me too much of the sad baby chickens who never got a chance at life. Sabre rubbed Time's head gently and left out the door not too long after. I guess he knew Galaxy left to get more food and went to help him. We all ate in silence. 

(Words 2421) You know for sure that things are about to go down right >:D

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