Rainbow's Blood

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I knew he was behind me. Watching me. That didn't matter. I walked inside this cave entrance. Hypno said they are all in here. That didn't matter. I had what I needed. I kept it hidden in my hand. The only thing I needed now. Hypno also gave it to me. It would work. He promised me it would work.

I looked through the halls that were empty and dull. I found an entrance to what seemed to lead to a prison cell... I walked away from it. There is no one in there that I want. Not anymore. I listened to the quiet area as whispers became louder and louder.

Until I heard something shatter. I turned my head slowly to the sound. Not too far away I saw two large doors. They swung open as I watched Blue Elder take Time away. Neither of them noticed me as they went down the hallway. He's not the one I was looking for anyway. I walked to the big doors and opened them slowly. A fight was going on, everyone was screaming at each other. Especially Galaxy. It only took a single step into the room did they noticed me. I looked back to see Hypno was gone. He must have gone after Time. That's not like him.

"Oh, Rainbow Steve! I didn't think you would come back here!" Void chuckled as the room quickly became quiet.

"Rainbow help-" Galaxy gets smacked again by another villain. I didn't have anyone else in vision. I couldn't care less about Galaxy. I couldn't care less about Time. That didn't matter. I looked to Void.

"Did you come here to get them out? On your own? Pathetic." I looked to Negative as he spoke. I turned my head back to Void.

"Oh, or have you decided to come back? You look lost Rainbow. Did you come back to me? I can guide you again just like before." Void offers his hand to me. I slowly stepped towards him.

"Perfect, we can have a jellybean on our side." Origin scoffed. I didn't question how he knew that word. All of these villains looked at me.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Nightmare questioned. He could tell, couldn't he? That's upsetting. I wanted him first. That was what mattered to me. I walked up to Void and took his hand. He shook it.

"See it's all okay now Rainbow. We can make this painful world wash away. No more problems, no more death..." He caressed his hand on my cheek. Alex spoke out.

"Rainbow you can't! You need to get Time! He isn't going to help!" I sighed and rested my head on Void's shoulder, letting out a few tears to play the role. Void hugs me and comforts me with cold hands.

(Blood, violence, and Death ahead)

"Don't worry... soon this will all be a bad dream-. . ." His voice suddenly froze and I stabbed him in the back. This strange sword Hypno gave me was doing the job nicely. I couldn't help but smile as he went limp. I pulled the sword back and let him lay on the floor. The air went quiet. I looked over at Negative. I lunged at him next. Negative grabs me and tries to push me down. I let him causing him to fall forward to where I could stab him as well.

"There you go, remember you can use your weakness to your advantage." Sabre's voice echoed in my head. My eyes flash back to the Rainbow Town. Him holding a wooden stick in hand. I managed to hit him with a stick. He runs at me with a smile on his face.

"Rainbow what are you doing?!" Someone yelled at me. I ignored them. I stabbed his shoulder. Blood dripped down onto my face and clothes. He summons lighting on me. I screamed out in pain before pulling the sword back. Positive got on top of me. I kicked them hard. Trying to think back to the old lessons Sabre taught me.

"If you are fighting two people at once it's better if you get them to fight each other. Then focus on the weaker one first." He continued to whisper in my ear. I pushed one of them on top of the other. I looked over to see Origin...

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