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Sabre's point of view
"Are you sure we should go right now?" Lucas said as he put some glass bottled water in his inventory.

"Yes. I need my necklace back..." I mumble. I've told him at least five times that I needed it back. Every he asks why I just say it's important to me. It was for him a long time ago.

"Maybe you should rest. I can go ahead and you can sta-" I quickly cut him off.

"I'm coming with you." No way I'm letting him go alone. The Steves don't even know him and if he runs into them they might not be the nicest to him.

"Okay, but if you get worse we are coming back here got it?" I sigh and nod.

"Okay just need to set up Fake Lucas the Third."

"Who?" We had a fake Lucas at the Rainbow town. He was a white horse but he died with all the fake Sabre's in the rainbow town when Nightmare Steve destroyed it.

"Oh, right you have met him yet." Lucas takes my hand and leads me outside to see a pen for a white horse with blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Fake Lucas. This time by the looks of it he was taller and stronger than the first one.

"I had the second one, but he died of old age."

"Oh sorry to hear that," I say.

"Don't worry about it." He puts reigns on Fake Lucas the Third and a saddle. I watch and smile. Same order and style Lucas prepared his horses in my first life. Before he died.

He soon gets on and helps me get up on the horse. I really didn't need any help, but he does anyway.

"I don't need that much help."

"Do you want me to force you to stay?" I stay quiet and we start to make our way through the forest.

It was getting dark and fast making him nervous we won't get there in time. Lucas could tell and gets Fake Lucas the Third to pick up his pace.

I kept my head low looking at the tracks on the ground to see if anyone or anything else was around here and so far nothing.

"Are you sure this is the spot?" I ask not fully sure myself.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I get off of Fake Lucas the Third. I look around for my necklace hoping nothing happened to it. Lucas gets off and helps look for it too.

While looking for my necklace I notice a pair of footsteps on the ground. They aren't mine or Lucas's.

"Someone else was here." Lucas looks over at me.

"Who?" He says going over to me seeing the tracks too.

"I don't know. They went this way." I say and start going in the direction. Lucas grabs the reigns from Fake Lucas the Third to guide him as he follows me.

I followed these footsteps for a good few minutes the footsteps lead to a cave filled with torches. All leading down.

"What is this?" Lucas asked me. I got a bad feeling.

"A trap," I say and quickly make my way down the cave and Lucas followed me down. We followed the path of the torches looking for a sign of anyone.

"Illusion calm down someone will get us." I heard a familiar voice say. Time Steve?

"We are going to suffocate!" Illusion? He sounds really scared and panicked. Mainly angry.

"Illusion! Time!" I call out. Lucas just follows me.

"Sabre! You're okay!" I heard Time Steve say and see a tunnel that was caved in.

"Get me out of here! The walls are closing in!" Illusion has claustrophobia, doesn't he? That's not good. That's really not good.

"Why haven't you broken out?!" Lucas asked.

"Who are you?!" Illusion says even more panicked. I use a pickaxe on me to start to break the rocks.

"I'm Lucas Sabre's friend." Illusion didn't really seem to calm down.

"He has been too panicked to move and only woke up a few minutes ago." I heard Time say and I finally break through the wall. The walls around this tunnel shake.

"It's really unstable. I say and I go through to see Illusion hugging himself in a corner. I go over to him.

"Get out of here with Lucas okay? I'll get Time out of here." I say and help him up. He was trembling and I hugged him.

"Thanks, Sabre..." He mumbles under his breath. Lucas helps Illusion get out of the cave.

"The wall is shaking." Time Steve says. I need to be careful where I beak the wall from now on. I look for the weakest point in the wall.

"What happened Sabre?" Time Steve asked.

"Someone attacked me and Lucas saved me," I say honestly and start to break that point in the wall.

"Are you okay though?"

"Yeah.. mostly..." I breakthrough and the cave shakes more. I look to see Time laying on his side on the ground. His mask was cracked slightly and he was tied up.

I go over to him slowly and start to untie the knots.

"Are you okay Time?" I ask and I free him. He gets up slowly.

"Yeah, I'm alright." The ground seems to shift. This part of the cave is really unstable.

"Let's get out of here first," I say knowing that we shouldn't stay in here longer than we should. I go ahead and Time follows.

After we got to the part Illusion Steve was in here cave wall shook and rocks started to fall.

"Run!" I Almost scream as we both run out of that part. I stop once I get out of the tunnel, but Time didn't stop as quickly as I did making it end with me falling back and him falling on top of me.

The tunnel behind us was closed off by the rocks. I look up to see Time Steve above me. Technically pinning me down to the ground.

"Umm can you...." I say feeling my face heat up slowly. Time looks at me then around him, it takes him a second to realize the position we were in.

"Right, sorry," He mumbles and gets off of me and helps me up. He rubs the back of his head and I look down.

"Let's not say this happened?" I asked.

"Yeah...." I start to go out of the cave Time following close behind me. I could see Lucas and Fake Lucas there waiting for us out of the cave, but I didn't see Illusion.

"Where is Illusion?" I and Time both ask at the same time.

"He flew up into the air and out of the trees. He hasn't come back down yet." Lucas says confused about what's going on.

"I am free!" I head Illusion Steve say. He must be very high up since it's hard to hear him. If we pretty dark now.

"How long we in the cave?" I ask.

"A few minutes. The sun was done setting when we got here." Lucas says petting Fake Lucas the third.

"Oh okay..." I say. I wipe my forehead still feeling warm. I wasn't blushing. I want to blush. I just started running a fever again.

Lucas looks at me. I think he knows that my fever is back, he goes over to me and checks.

"We are going to my place for now. It's closer." He says. I was thankful he didn't say anything about my fever to Time.

"Illusion! Come back down!" I say and he soon comes down.

"What is it?" He acting normal now and That's good. I'm happy he is okay.

"We are going to Lucas's house," I say. Lucas gets onto his horse. Illusion and Time both seem okay with it.

"I can fit one more person on my horse. Does anyone need to get on?" Lucas asked knowing I wouldn't go on.

"No, I'm okay." Illusion says and Time nods. Lucas forced me onto his horse with him.

"I guess we follow you." Time says and without another word, we were off.
(Words 1359)

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