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I was sitting at the large dinning table that was still set up by myself eating a simple meal. Next to me laid a paper filled with ideas on the next attack towards Sabre and his friends. The others have asked me to look over it, but I can't bring myself to even read a single word. I have a lot on my mind... especially with Sabre. I won't be joining in on there next attack. I just need some time to think... about what I am supposed to do next knowing I was fighting one of them...

One of there kind.

I heard the doors open with a joyful laughter. I look over and see Nightmare and Dark cheerfully playing with each other with Nightmare rubbing Dark's head. He looks at me.

"Origin we got some great news!" Nightmare smiles and o sigh looking to the side.

"And that would be?" I glanced over at them.

"We killed Sabre! I killed him with my own hands!" He grins. I looked at him shock.

"Really?- how- I didn't think it would be possible." A fear gripped at my heart. Did they kill him? If they did that means he went to his next life... and I may never answers... It would make my job here easier of course... but... I need answers. From his mouth and his alone.

"Yes, it just took a few good fireballs and a few stab wounds but... this was all that was left." Nightamare comes over and hands me a torn blindfold. I picked it up and felt the old familiar fabric rub against my fingers. I flipped it over and saw a old stitch on the back of it... a one and zero overlapped... that's the symbol of there kind...

"Did he say anything before he died?" I asked curious. Dark shakes his head.

"He really didn't say much, he was too weak from fighting his friends and control over Shadow Sabre." Dark explains to me. I nod.

"Does everyone else know?" I picked it up and let my blue magic go into the fabric like thread.

"Yeah, you are the last person we told. We had a hard time finding you. Before that we talked to Void and he was not happy." Nightmare added. I listened to them while I fixed the torn blindfold.

"I'll check on him to see what's up after I finish eating..." I focused on the blindfold until it was fully healed. Sabre... he is still alive. Not that I will tell them of course.

"Thanks- anyways Dark we need to talk about a few things." Nightmare pulls Dark out of the room leaving me with the blindfold.

I sat in silence for a moment. Thinking of Sabre... why would he be so focused on helping the Steve's when his own species is practically at the state of extinction. I wish I knew how that came to be. When I awoke all of it was gone... Including her... I'll find him and ask him. It's the only way I will have answers... to what happened to them. I didn't finish eating as I got up and cleared my plate. Before taking the blindfold with me and heading to the exit of the cave lair we have. At the door I see Void looking out to the forest ahead.

"Void, how are you?" I ask him calmly. He looks at me his eyes glowing a dark red. He didn't look pleased.

"Lovely." He hisses at me and stared back into the forest.

"Are you looking for something?" I asked a bit concerned.

"My son. He hasn't been here and was supposed to come here with Faceless. Nightmare said this... death of Sabre happened a few days ago. The two of them should of been back by now." He didn't seem to believe Nightmare's words.

"Maybe something has come up?" I looked out to the darkness of the night.... And listened to the energy around us and slowly reached out forward. Afar I could sense Galaxy's energy, all of Sabre's friends. Further past it lingering Steve's that are still traversing the world that remains.

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