Raining Stars

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First I wanted to thank you for already giving me so much support on the book and just cheering me on in general. If you guys really want me to do something you have questions on please tell me. It can be anything like. How did Demon Steve get the villains to come back? What exactly are Light spirits? Anything like that or even more on code jumpers.

Also yes the Sabre x Time ship is still happening and if you have any other ships you want to happen just ask me and I'll do a vote.

Also Already I have gotten art from. Fluffy_Writes I just wanted to say thank you and no. You are not forced to do art. I wouldn't care less if all you did was read a chapter.

Now onto the chapter!


I woke up to feel and hear the sound of rain hitting the green leaves on the trees and the grass-covered ground. I slowly sit up the pain in my back is still there, but it feels better than yesterday. I was a bit stiff from the position I slept in, but it's not as bad as I thought. I take some time to stretch as I try to get my thoughts together. While listening to the falling rain.

"Okay... Illusion wants me dead. Not the first time a Steve has wanted me dead..." I realized I was talking to myself but didn't mind. Not like anyone is around.

"He wants to kill me in front of Galaxy so I have some time to run if Alex or Illusion finds me which is good, but I have no way to fight them." I looked at my swords carefully to see they were dull and in poor condition. It's been a while since I've actually sharpened or taken care of them.

"First things first let's get my weapons in good condition to fight in." I get up and put my swords away. I get out from under the small ridge above my head to feel raindrops fall onto my skin cold and wet. It felt good in all honesty. I walk around the forest to find some good rocks. I don't have anything else to sharpen them with and it wouldn't be the first time I've sharpened them with poor tools.

I soon found what looked like to be a small stream that led to an opening in the dark oak wood forest. As well as a pond connected to it. I drink some water since for some reason all the water here is clean to drink safely. Safer than water I got to have in other lifetimes.

I felt my blindfold start to slip and I grabbed it. I hope no one felt the sudden immense amount of energy that was now around me. I quickly put my blindfold back over my eyes to hide my eyes from others. As well as my energy.

I found the stones I needed in the water too. I pick two of them up and start to sharpen my blade. I couldn't help, but start to relax from the rest sound of the rain and the small stream. Then while I finished sharpening my blade I began to hear footsteps. I look around and see the person walking up to me...

"Galaxy Steve?!" I look in shock and he looks at me confused.

"How do you know my name?" Right, he doesn't have any of his memories. I sigh and think of an idea.

"You look like a Steve and I just thought that hey. You're a Steve and look like a galaxy so I guessed Galaxy Steve?" I mumbled nervously. I hope he doesn't figure something out

"Oh okay! Hi! I'm Galaxy Steve you are?" Galaxy looked a lot like Illusion in a way except his face was clean and his hair longer. His color scheme was purple and blue with random white particles around him. His eyes were bright gold. Hard to miss and easy to see from a distance. He had a T-shirt and shorts as well as black boots. He was also wearing a raincoat. How does he- I won't question it.

"I'm Sabre, but I'm not a Steve," I said not to confirm if I was a player or not. Just what he needs to know.

"Cool! I have never met a non-Steve before." He smiles brightly. I kind of miss his smile. It's been a while since I've seen him and last time I told him I was a superhero. In my second life, I was one. Called the Flash, but that is in the past.

"Aren't you cold? It's raining and you aren't exactly wearing a raincoat."

"No, not really. My hoodie isn't rainproof, but it doesn't get wet easily and it keeps me warm." It was true. It's only when the rain is especially heavy that it gets wet. Not like it bothers me that much anyway. I wear black gloves that cover my palms, so they stay warm, but my fingers are freezing so I keep them in my hoodie during cold days.

"We should get out of the rain! Want to come with me to my house? It's close by." I smiled and nodded while putting the two stones in my inventory for later. Galaxy takes my hand and starts walking. I follow him through the dark oak forest. I kept track of where we were while we walked.

It wasn't that far since he said it wasn't. I was not surprised when I could see he was living next to a pond. I'm even less surprised the pond had a lot of fish in it. That's probably why Galaxy chose to live here.

"That's my lucky pond!" He said proudly. I smile and nod. The rain was more heavy out in the small clearing since the trees weren't stopping the rain. I see his dirt house that was still together. I'm not too surprised about that either. Just the same Galaxy as before. The only difference I see is how he is much more upbeat like the first time I meet him and how he doesn't remember me.

"And that's my house! I'll make you another house next to me." He shows it off proudly in all its dirty glory.

"It's okay I can make it myself." I decided to make a house next to his that was the same size as his. It only took me a few seconds. I won't be able to make it as well since I am still being hunted down. It will be nice to be with Galaxy again though.

"Are you my best friend now?!" He asks and I try not to react. Rainbow Steve has always been my best friend... but he's dead.... so was Lucas and a lot of other Steves I've met, but Rainbow was the one I was the closest to.

"Yup! Definitely." I don't want to scare him as much as I did last time. If I stay low it should be good. Anyways, it will be nice to take some time to actually focus on the problems I have ahead. Like the infection, but most importantly Illusion Steve.

"Yay!" He hugs me tightly and I ignore the pain in my back. He didn't seem to notice that I was in pain. I always make sure when I get hurt they don't know and if they do I make sure to make it look as mild as possible. The only one who I wasn't able to fool was Rainbow. He knew me too well.

"I'm so happy to be with you. We can also go fishing once the rain stops- no let's fish right now!" He smiles more and goes to get me a fishing pole. I take it and we go to the small pond. I fish with him as I half-listen to him and focus more on the next step I will need to take. Even if his memories of me are gone and clouded by the Illusion, I'll make sure what I know won't be forgotten about.

And no magical illusion is going to stop me.

(Words 1343)

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