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Hey guys! Before we start I hope you guys had a great Christmas and a New Year's Eve! Also, I hope you guys check out the video above, please.


Jk jk but still give them the support for doing this and check out their channel.

Thank you so much though and I'm just going to cry now. Thank you!

Also at the end of the chapter, there are ships I want to talk about so please read the last part.

Now onto the chapter!
Illusion's point of view
I walked away from Cyan Steve. He was hiding something. Sabre doesn't do things like that on his own especially not telling one of us beforehand. He tells us everything he is doing to a point it gets annoying. Annoying for me at least.

I guess Sabre thought ahead for once.

I look at the forest knowing something had to happen in there, I'm just not sure what. I knew Time Steve would like me to tell him what I found out before going on my own. He was the first to notice Sabre was missing.

I find him near the river that runs around the town. He was looking for any signs of him over there. I walk up behind him.

"Time I think I-" Time jumps back a little almost falling into the water. Didn't know he was jumpy.

"Illusion! What is it?" Trying to act like he didn't get started by me.

"Sabre is probably still in the forest," I say to him. He perked up a little. If Time doesn't like him I'll probably lose my mind. Not literally of course.

"How do you know?" Time asked me.

"Cyan Steve. He said he saw him in the forest."

"Really? That's nice of him."

"Except he said Sabre was going mining and he tells everyone what he is going to do before he does it."

"Oh..." Time Steve looks at the forest.

"Let's just check on the forest to see if he is there and in the cave system." Time nods and goes ahead. I follow him close behind. We walked into the forest.

Nothing seemed off about it as we explored. Time was looking around for any caves and I just looked around for any signs of him or where Cyan Steve came from.

"Do you think we should have told Alex?" Time Steve says I look at him. Right, Alex is very suspicious of Cyan.

"If we told her she probably would have attacked Cyan Steve."

"You're right. Her angry is hard to control." Time kept walking. I kept walking too.

After a while, we found a cave with torches in it leading down into the cave. Time seemed happy.

"Looks like he is down there." Time says going down into the cave. I was hesitant.

"Something doesn't feel right though. He always tells us where he is going."

"He has been off for a bit." Time Steve says to me. I think he doesn't want to admit that something is wrong with Sabre. Probably doesn't want to think he is hurt or sick.

"You can look in the cave. I'll look for anything else." I tell Time. He nods and goes into the cave. I go back to looking around.

I looked at the ground to notice horse tracks. Strange... horses are only in woods like these if they have an owner.

I look at the hoof prints on the ground and follow them. They go quite a ways away from the cave Time is in. I kept following them until I see a cluster of them in the ground like the horse was forced to stop and wandered around.

I look around the area for anything that was out of place. Around the trees on the ground. Anything at all. I find something that shines and catches my eye. It was laying against the tree and I pick it up.

It was a necklace. I haven't seen it before, but it's similar to the chain I sometimes see around Sabre's neck. Not similar... it's the same chain.

He was here. I didn't see any footprints though. Maybe the horse took him away? I look at the horse prints again and see them go far north. Away from the cave.

The cave isn't where Sabre is. It has to get Time. I quickly run back to the cave nothing changed about it.

"Time!" I call out to him, but nothing. He must be really deep in the cave by now. I have to go in to get him.

"I guess I'll have to get you out." I slowly make my way down the cave being careful of slipping and falling. I follow the torches down.

It was cold and wet in certain areas. The only light is from the torches at the moment. There were a lot of ores in here that haven't been mine at all.

"Time! Hurry up and get here!" I say trying to act like how I normally am. I hate to admit it, but I'm claustrophobic. I don't know why, but it's just something I've been afraid of ever since I was created. I just really wanted to get out of here.

"Illusion? Is that you?" I heard Time say. His voice was echoed and far though. I quickly follow him down feeling my panic of being so deep in a cave.

"Yeah, it's me!" I keep going down and great his voice leads into a very narrow tunnel.

"I need help then cane collapsed here." Great even better.

"Just break out then," I say and soon find the area where rocks blocked out a passage.

"I can't move!" He tells me.

"Why? Why can't you move?"

"I don't know."

"How do you not know?!"

"I don't know! Why are you screaming?!"

"Because everything is too close together and I hate it!" I start moving the rocks out of the way.

"Wait for your-"

"Yes so let's hurry and get out of here!-"

"You're not going anywhere." I look behind me and see Cyan Steve.

"What are you-" I feel something hit my head and I quickly blackout.
(Words 1099)

Okay for ships I have gotten a few request and I want to know what to guys think of them.

Guardian x Overseer (I like this ship)

Nightmare x Dark (I see them as son and father)

Nightmare x Elemental (I feel okay with this ship)

And that's all I can find right now sorry. Well that's all I have to say. Bye for now!

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