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I sigh. This river wasn't giving me, Sabre, or Illusion any good fish like usual. At least from what I can remember. When I was under Illusion's control I don't remember much and when he absorbed me I only remembered when Sabre called out to me. I looked at Sabre to see he was leaning on me. Which I don't mind. He probably is a little tired. Especially since he hasn't caught any fish yet. I look at Illusion who was very determined to catch more fish than me. I caught 5 fish and he has caught 4 fish. I was mad at him though for catching a pufferfish before I did.

"Haha! I got another one!" He says as he takes out a fish from his rod.

"Good job!" I say back and smile. It took him a while to learn, but now he is really good and having a lot of fun. It's nice to spend time with him when he isn't evil. I saw that Sabre's sinker went down and he wasn't reeling his line in.

"Sabre you got one!" I said to him, but he didn't move. I looked at him and it took me a while to see he fell asleep. I quickly take his fishing rod and reel in the fish he got.

"Why did you do that?" Illusion asked me. He was on the right side of me while Sabre was on the left.

"Sabre fell asleep," I said and put the fish in my inventory. Illusion look at Sabre than at me.

"How can you tell with that stupid blindfold over his eyes?" Illusion rolled his eyes.

"One It's not stupid and two I can just tell." I've seen him fall asleep enough to know when he is asleep even with his blindfold on. Not that I haven't seen it off anyway.

"It's stupid, and it probably makes it harder for him to see. It must get irritating to wear. There is no reason he needs to hide his eyes. It's just stupid." I sigh. Everyone who knows him wonders what his eyes look like too. I honestly think they are grey. It would suit him well if they were.

"Why don't we take it off?" Illusion asked.

"No! He would be so mad! I don't want to break Sabre's trust, he is my best friend!" I pulled Sabre close to me so I could keep him away from Ilusion.

"After Rainbow Steve died you- sorry trying to get used to this being a nice thing..." I know he's trying... but he shouldn't go that far.

"It's okay, it's true anyway...." I look down. It was my fault he died. I should have done something. I could have taken the hit. Rainbow couldn't. I want to say sorry to him for his I treated him. I felt someone hug me and I saw it was Illusion. I hug back a little tightly.

"I still think we should take it off." Illusion reached for his blindfold playfully

"No!" Illusion stops talking about it and pulls his hand away. I sigh and look at Sabre.

"We should get to bed too," I say looking up at the sky.

"Right. Still want to take it off though." I picked up Sabre after putting all the fishing stuff away and went back to the others.

"Galaxy!" I saw Alex and she hugged me. I would hug back if I could and I felt my face heat up slightly.

"Oh sorry. Did Sabre fall asleep?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, he did." Illusion Steve takes Sabre from me and goes to the Overseer leaving me and Alex alone.

"It's good to see you, Alex!" I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too." Then Alex slaps me.

"SO DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" Alex yelled at me. I flinched back and covered my ears.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." I look down feeling bad that I made her upset. She hugs me tightly and I hug back.

"Sorry. Just didn't want to lose you." My eyes widen with surprise.

"Why?" I questioned as my heart raced in my chest.

"Because you're my best friend." She said to me. I smile even though I couldn't help, but wish we were more.

"Let's get some more sleep okay? It's been a long night." She takes my hand and I follow her. It has been a long night... no a long few months. We all deserve some rest and a break. Maybe we will finally get to figure out what a normal life is supposed to be.

Even if only for a short while.



That stupid player! If it wasn't for him my plan would have succeeded. Only if that player didn't come back yet! Any later and this world would have been mine! I would have gotten rid of Illusion soon enough! I growl and walk to the small ditch that they made into a small camp for all five of them. I look down at Sabre angrily.

I look at the others who are all asleep and I walk up to Sabre. How easy it would be to kill him right now. So easy, but right now I need my powers back. I reach my hand to him but immediately notice something. He looked paler than the last time I'd seen him and was shaking a little from the cold.

I smile knowing what is going on now. If I take my powers back I won't have another chance at this. So for now I'll leave him be. I glance at him one more time before walking out of the ditch. I never thought my abilities would work on him.

I helped Sabre so much. I saved his friend's life. I gave him protection from Infinity Steve. I even gave him away to defeat him. I am the reason Rainbow lived for as long as he did. Then just because I infect Rainbow with my wonderful plague. My saving sickness. Saving Steves from pain and suffering. He kicks me out and tries to destroy me. After everything I did for him!

I took a deep breath trying to relax. They might wake up if I anger myself more. I leave and start walking on my way. I promise Sabre and friends that the next time I see you. You will either bow to me or die. You will see how powerful I am and how much energy I can give you. I can do so much more than a weak player can! While walking I heard coughing and looked back. Most likely it's Sabre, after all...

The Plague is killing him.

(Words 1090)

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