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edit: simplified stuff and got rid of vos being stupid again...what was i thinking when i wrote this lmao

Ilum's round, grey-blue surface loomed at the ship.

"Alrighty, kids! We've jumped out of hyperspace. Time for some Ilum!" Master Vos declared.

"Ilum is harsh. It's windy, icy and stormy. Worst of all, it's as cold as a cooling unit," Master Vos shouted so that he could be heard through the thick walls of the ship. "So, you kids probably should put on your coats or you'll be frozen to death the minute we step outside."

As the great ship descended into the planet's surface, there was nothing visible to the younglings from the windows except for whipping snow and ice. The whiteness completely obscured their view.

The onboard astromech gently set the ship into a relaxed slope of descent, and the passengers felt a soft thud as the Crucible finally landed on Ilum.

Master Vos appeared from one of the hallways, donning a thick parka with a fur lined hood.

"Get ready! It's going to be cold." Without another word, he marched briskly to the nearest hatch. With a loud click, the double doors of the entrance opened.

Thick billowing winds immediately fought their way into the ship, bringing sharp flecks of ice and tumbling clouds of snow. The Jedi felt a draught pass through and shivered in the cold despite their thick, protective clothing.

Crisp air greeted them. The view was undistinguishable and featureless, not just because the environment there was bleak, but because the blue-white snowstorm was so intense that there was nothing visible one metre in front.

After what seemed like a lifetime trudging through the snow, feeling the frigid, wintry slush seeping into their boots, the younglings finally made it to the face of a mighty, gargantuan cliff, its face eroded smooth by the constant harsh weather. Hard pieces of ice, blown across the barren landscape by the howling, unforgivable winds, battered their clothes and faces like shrapnel.

Beneath their feet was a large circle etched into the ice, roughly ten metres across. Intricate designs filled the centre of the circle.

"What now?" Momo yelled, struggling to be heard over the thunderous storm and not have snow fly into his mouth.

"We use the Force. Follow me. Use each other's strength; your efforts combined will make it easier. We will shift this cliff face!" Master Vos responded grandly in a booming voice.

The younglings glanced at each other uneasily. Move that thing? The cliff was humongous, towering a good hundred metres, stretching out from both sides for what could be forever. Its grey gaze stared down at them expectantly.

At their head, Master Vos already had commenced.

The younglings uncertainly extended a hand in front of them and reached into the Force. Their eyes screwed shut in concentration.

They drew the Force, the powerful, mystical, invisible being, towards themselves. The younglings felt the connection between themselves and the living sentient creatures around them; the glue that bound the universe together.

With a deep, grinding, rumbling sound, the huge cliff face began to shift. The rocks slowly contracted back into the ground. The younglings concentrated harder. A small avalanche of ice, snow and pebbles tumbled down from the falling rocks, triggered by their movement.

At last, the area of the mountain in front of them had been pushed by the Force to the ground, so that it revealed an ancient entrance into a gaping cave mouth. The ice and snow fragments from the miniature avalanche cleared.

Master Vos turned and grinned at the younglings.

"Haha! See? That wasn't so hard after all, was it?" He said. "Now, we must get going. The task must be completed within one rotation, and the sun is already beginning to rise!"

The group rushed in after him, already worried that they would not be able to find their crystal in time.

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