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edit: minor changes

Ahsoka looked at y/n.

He looked back, equally determined and unnerved.

"I found it!" they both declared at the same time.

"No, I slipped on it! If I hadn't, then we wouldn't have found it!" he said.

"What? No! There is no way that you found it! y/n, you couldn't even see a thing in this darkness!" Ahsoka argued back. y/n glared at her.

"Well I melted it."

She sighed in exasperation. "Well I didn't have a lightsaber anyways!"

He didn't expect what was happening next.

Ahsoka pushed past him and jumped into the hole.

When he looked back, y/n didn't see her. She had disappeared, her dark form barely visible in the water.

He craned his neck and leaned over, trying to catch a glimpse of Ahsoka's body in the water.

That was when he fell in.

It wasn't anything that Ahsoka had expected. She thought that the water was still boiling hot, and that her skin would be fried once she entered the water. She was determined; she could bear the pain. But fortunately, it wasn't that way at all. The water had already dropped more than ten degrees in that small period of time.

Ahsoka wondered how cold it really was in this cave.

She went limp and let her body weight carry her down into the pit, grateful that her thick parka was thick and drenched with water, pulling her down. The water became steadily colder.

Sometimes the walls would scrape against her coat, and Ahsoka would have to prise the cloth off the uneven sides. The hole was the perfect size for a person to fit: a rough circular pit half a metre across.

The seconds ticked by, and quickly, mounting into a full minute, then two, then three. The Togruta knew she was going down too slow. She hadn't even reached the bottom yet.

Her lungs were being constricted. Black spots appeared in Ahsoka's vision. A hot wave of heat kept coming to her head in waves. She wanted to breathe. Desperately.

Ahsoka tried to use the Force to control her breathing.

Master Yoda had taught them how to practically numb the body's impulse to shut down after the organs and muscles were deprived of sufficient oxygen. Ahsoka hadn't been very good at it.

And now, she failed.

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now