Chapter 9

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y/n ambled into the training room, yawning slightly with sleep. He and Ahsoka had chatted deep into the night, unwilling to part each other until every exciting one of their stories had been told.

It was to his surprise that he found Ahsoka already inside with her lightsabers out, back towards him.

She wore a sleeveless reddish-maroon dress with a hole cut in the back, revealing her skin. Grey leggings with diamond shapes cut out covered most of her legs, ending with knee-high dark red boots. She also had armbands and forearm guards. Ahsoka's lekku had grown, but her old akul teeth headdress remained, with the addition of a silka bead Padawan braid.

Brandishing her yellow shoto blade and standard green lightsaber, Ahsoka blocked, parried and struck at three humanoid droids equipped with electrostaffs. IG-100 MagnaGuards.

In a relatively short amount of time, Ahsoka had dispatched the droids and turned towards the door, where she finally spotted y/n.

"So, I see you have discovered my Magna Guards," he called from where he was leaning against the door frame and began to walk towards the Togruta.

"You made them?" Ahsoka asked incredulously, wiping her forehead.

"Yup. Destroyed them in battle. Came back with their parts and messed around, brought them back to life. Now they're training droids I guess. Plus, their electrostaffs don't kill you. At least they work. If you remember, I told you that my old room was blown up. I think you can guess why."

"Impressive," Ahsoka complimented. "So you are a mechanic?"

y/n shrugged. "Not really," he said. "Just got bored. Give me a starfighter to fix and I won't be done until the War ends."

Ahsoka laughed at his reply.

"How about you and machines?"

"Decent I suppose. Master Skywalker is crazy about that stuff, I think he won a Podrace when he was n years old, worked in a junk yard or something. So yes, I suppose you could call me skilled," she replied.

She barely finished speaking when she suddenly lunged at y/n with her lightsabers.

With a hiss, her two blades encountered his twin red and blue ones. She was impressed that he was able to ignite his lightsaber and block her that quickly.

"Playing dirty? You're gonna have to be faster than that," he smirked. "Let's go with a duel. First to five strikes?"

Ahsoka didn't answer and merely swiped at y/n's head, nearly decapitating him if he hadn't ducked. Yes. He was fast. Very fast.

"I'll try not to kill you," she smirked.

"That is, if I don't win first," he grinned lopsidedly.

With that, y/n brought his lightsaber parallel to his own body, throwing Ahsoka, who was leaning against his blades, off balance. As her momentum came forward, the Togruta did a front flip and sliced at her opponent's head and torso, but y/n easily blocked both with his lightsaber.

They exchanged a few quick blows, none of them successful.

y/n kept dodging and blocking and doing mad tricks and flips, as if to brag. Once, he even ran halfway up a wall and backflipped over her hungry fluorescent blades. Ahsoka herded him around the room, trying to force him into a corner – the best way to win against a double bladed lightsaber wielder, and the way she had won their duel as younglings.

After a short session of sparring, he backed away, spinning his lightsaber behind his back and assuming his en guard stance. Ahsoka spun her shoto and circled him.

A split second later, y/n was bolting towards her. He raised his lightsaber as if to strike, but instead flipped right over her, landing and sweeping at her feet. Ahsoka saw this just in time and leapt into a B twist, kicking y/n in the face as she rotated in the air.

Undeterred, he kicked up off the ground and repeatedly released a pattern of strikes. Slice down from the left, down from the right, up from the left, down from the right. As Ahsoka realised how mechanic this movement was and attempted to afflict a blow to his exposed side, y/n suddenly changed his pattern and caught the Togruta by surprise, lunging down and bringing his lightsaber towards Ahsoka's vulnerable back.

He stopped just a mere centimetre from slicing her in half.

"First point to me. Come on Stripey, give it some effort at least."

The next few rounds continued like this, heated fighting with a few lines of banter in between. Finally, they were neck to neck, four to four.

y/n narrowed his eyes at Ahsoka, a concentrating scowl upon his face. She closed her eyes, deep in meditation.

He leapt towards her suddenly like the first time, but this time curving around so that he was facing her side and only having to deal with her shorter shoto.

Ahsoka's eyes sprung open and she blocked both sides of his blades, barely having to use her regular weapon. However, y/n spun and knocked her shoulder, his body almost touching her lightsaber, and she was forced to face him with both.

Her former calm and fierce concentration had been broken, and her opponent knew that. Grinning, he jumped from side to side, elusive and untouchable. Ahsoka felt her frustration grow and fought to keep it down. She needed to be empty of all affecting thoughts and emotions.

The remains of the Magna Guards that she had previously cut down entered her vision, and an idea sprang into Ahsoka's mind. The Togruta watched y/n's footwork carefully, and when the perfect time arrived, she struck.

Using the Force, she threw all three severed Magna Guard bodies at him, and y/n's eyes widened before he instinctively sent them flying back to where Ahsoka was standing, heartbeats before.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka leapt forward, dropping to her knees, and slid across the floor...right between y/n's widespread legs and out the other side. Before he even realised that she had suddenly appeared below him, Ahsoka rammed her elbows into the back of his knees, and y/n fell, face first with a small yelp, to the ground.

His lightsaber fell out of his hands and clattered uselessly to the side. Ahsoka straddled him, pinning his arms behind his back with one hand, the shoto already back in her belt. With her other hand, she raised her lightsaber as if to execute him.

"I win," she smirked.

He cocked his head, which was quite hard considering that it was pressed against the floor. And that knowing smirk crept onto his face.

The next thing Ahsoka knew, she was slammed against the nearest wall. Why did she make the same mistake of assuming he would let her take the win?

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