Chapter 4

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Okay some of you may be wondering while you read this why this chapter is important...the answer is cos it is! Just bear with me if ya think its kinda irrelevant because I shall prove you wrong later on!

He missed the comforting Coruscant sunlight streaming through the huge windows. He missed the enclosed roof instead of endlessly raining sky. He missed the soothing, relaxing quiet and subtle voices of the Jedi. He missed the soft feeling of padded carpet under his boots instead of rough earth. 

On the battlefield, y/n sometimes had to run and move around so much that the soles of his feet were rubbed raw and bleeding, but over time his skin and mind hardened. He always had to get new boots every few days from the extreme pressure he put on them.

The Padawan breathed in the smell of the Temple and smiled. Aayla was wise, supportive and kind, sometimes also sassy and mischievous. She knew that he hated conflict, hated death, hated the war. So, when he was about to snap from all the battles he had fought, from seeing all the men who had died pointlessly, his Master sent him to the Jedi Temple to recuperate.

Sometimes y/n wondered whether he was a figure on a Dejarik board, being manipulated by the Council for a useless cause. The Jedi were peacekeepers, not soldiers. They weren't supposed to go around the galaxy and start wars, they were supposed to prevent them from happening. Instead of focusing their forces on helping planets impacted by the Clone Wars, the Council was sending everyone to battle, creating chaos instead of stopping chaos.

He sighed. Perhaps some food would heal his snappiness.

Before, as a youngling, they were rarely allowed to go outside the Temple, and never on their own. Now he was a Padawan. His Master had given him rest time. He was free to do and go wherever he wanted.

Right now, he wanted to go to Coruscant City and find a good meal.

He found a diner not far from the Temple. It was a small pub close to one of the Underworld Entrances, ran by a kind old Imroosian. She was so warm and welcoming that he immediately settled into his seat and felt at home.

The diner smelt like hearty bone broth and just a hint of alcoholic sweetness lingered in the air. Dim yellow light illuminated the small room, but there was an entrance in the back that was guarded by a bouncer, with the sign 'VIP' above it. There was a high circular table in the centre of the room with bar stools around it and a few creatures drinking there. To the right, there were enclosed booths with scratched leather seats. On the left, round tables dominated the space.  

y/n also spotted a group of creatures from the Bith species playing multiple musical instruments such as a bandfill, a trumpet and a Chindinkalu flute. A few Twi'lek females were dancing seductively on a well-illuminated stage, much to the satisfaction of some of the males watching. y/n grinned. He doubted Master Secura would enjoy observing her fellow species do such uncivilised work. He doubted that Master Secura would even let him come to a pub diner.

The age minimum was eighteen for a Human. y/n was only sixteen. But with a hood covering his face and the fake beard he stuck on, he could pass for a twenty-year old.

"What would you like to order?" the Imroosian inquired, smiling kindly and politely. "Perhaps a cup of Jawa Juice? Or blue milk? Spotchka, maybe?"

y/n was surprised she was able to see through his disguise. The Imroosian hadn't offered him an alcoholic beverage despite his costume that should have allowed him to be provided with one.

Not that he wanted to. The cloak and fake beard were only supposed to get him into the diner. He had tried Bespin Fizz once, an effervescent alcoholic beverage. y/n vowed never to drink again until he was at least thirty. No, he was only here because he had heard a Rodian on the street compliment this pub for its amazing deep fried nuna legs.

Offering a smile, he cleared his throat.

"Yes, I'll take some Jawa Juice please," he said with a deep voice. "And a plate of deep-fried nuna drumsticks if you have them. I've heard they're very delicious here," he added.

The old Imroosian lady chuckled knowingly, probably laughing at his over exaggerated voice.

"Yes, right away sir."

He handed her the appropriate amount of credits, and then paused. Two more bronze dataries were then pressed into her chalky white hand. 

"Keep the change. Thanks for not blowing my cover," he whispered in his normal voice. "But really, I have heard that the nuna wings are heaven at this diner."

He was right. 

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