Chapter 70

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After the 501st returned from their mission, y/n continued training with them daily. It not only gave him an opportunity to hone his senses and practise a skill that was neglected by most Jedi, but it was also valuable bonding time with his friends.

He hadn't even told Aayla or Bly about the practices; it felt like something private between just him and the 501st general and soldiers.

Anakin was a good mentor, and someone y/n could complain to about Windu. The Jedi Knight's teaching style was very different to Aayla's, and offered him a different view.

The 501st clones were down-to-earth and fun, but good soldiers. They had worked together on a Ryloth humanitarian mission and the Naboo siege earlier, but this gave y/n the opportunity to get to know the soldiers better, and vice versa.

He awoke, spluttering, as ice cold water flooded his senses. Rex, Jesse and Fives stood over him, their bodies heaving with laughter as they held a bucket.

y/n rolled to the side, coughing up a mouthful of cold water and splattering Jesse's boots.

"Not cool, Hotshot," Jesse grunted, though he was still shaking with laughter.

"That nickname is taken!" Anakin yelled light-heartedly.

"Come on now, Scarface," Fives grinned, extending a hand and helping y/n up.

Dripping wet, but very much conscious now, y/n gave a shiver and Force-pulled his lightsaber towards himself.

"Haha, very funny." He rolled his eyes. "How long was that round?"

"About two minutes," Rex answered. "That's pretty good progress." He paused, then added, "Commander Tano's personal best was around ten minutes, but she'd been training for over half a year. You'll get there, eventually."

"I think that's enough for today," Anakin said, approaching the clones. "y/n, you've been zapped around twenty times. Learn to stay down," he joked. "Men, you're dismissed. I'm hungry, it's lunchtime."

Most of the troopers nodded and peeled away, Anakin leading the way out of the training space and presumably towards the mess hall. He gave y/n a grin and a wink.

Fives and Jesse waited for y/n to turn his back, then dumped the rest of the bucket of water onto him. They quickly scampered off, hooting loudly.

Soon, the only two left in the hangar were y/n and Rex.

"It's been a pleasure training with you, Captain," Rex smiled, looking abashed. "I, uh, I just wanted to let you know that..." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Ahsoka told me about you two. I...I'm sorry. I know she meant...a lot to you. And I don't want to intrude on your privacy or anything, Captain l/n, I just want to let you know that the 501st, we share your grief."

y/n widened his eyes in surprise, before a smile spread across his face. "You know, Rex, you're a real one." He placed a hand on the clone's shoulder. "Thank you. I know Ahsoka trusted you, and I'm honoured to work with a soldier like you."

"I'll keep my mouth shut, but I think a few of the boys have already guessed," Rex grinned. "Ahsoka and Skywalker did mention you quite a lot. Hence, the ice water and those other pranks."

"They're good men. You all are," y/n grinned, then saluted. The 501st captain smiled back, straightened, and saluted as well.

Smirking, Aayla directed her Ghhhk game piece to attack y/n's, then sat back comfortably as she watched her Dejarik victory play out.

"Three to zero," she announced smugly. Grumbling, her apprentice rolled off his mat and cranked out fifty more pushups.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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