Chapter 24

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Aurra appeared at her shoulder. "What's going on?"

The Togruta twisted around in her seat, following the path of y/n's starfighter. "We just got hit. Power generator's crippled, but there's not too much damage. There are two Jedi after us."
"Aren't there deflector shields on this thing-"

She pulled the ship into a nose dive once more, making Aurra lurch forwards and almost fall. Another array of shots rained down on them, and Ahsoka spotted a blue Twi'lek in the starfighter's cockpit.

Great. Just great.

"I can't activate the shields because the generator was down. The engine was not protected because this ship only has rear deflector shields and the generator was at the front." She paused, concentrating on flying for a few seconds. "Hang on, can you pilot for me?" she asked Aurra and clambered out of the pilot's seat before the latter even answered. "I'm heading down to the canons."

Leaving the other bounty hunter to drive the ship, she stumbled down past Bon into the gunman's cockpit. IG was doing his best, but none of the shots had hit their targets. Ahsoka wasn't sure if that was good or bad for her friends and mission.

"Sorry y/n," she muttered under her breath before releasing a torrent of blaster bolts at his starfighter. The increased firepower made it harder for the Jedi to fire at them, and soon the bounty hunters' ship stopped having to evade.

y/n felt an odd familiarity while he dodged the projectiles as best as he could. It was an aura that he was used to, something that seemed out of place to the rest of the bounty hunters. For some unknown reason it made him not want to fire in fear of hurting someone, a friend perhaps.

Pushing the feeling away with a low grunt, he shook his head and concentrated, reaching into the Force for help. Despite him having damaged the engine, the Separatist ship was high in the clouds now, soon going to penetrate Bespin's atmosphere. He couldn't let that happen.

Letting the Force dictate his movements, y/n relaxed in his seat. Naturally his senses became heightened, his piloting more fluid and efficient. The blaster bolts seemed to come in slow motion and were easy to dodge.

Seeing a pattern in the shots, he found the pause and held down the button on his control board, his own starfighter releasing red bolts as well.

Aurra was forced to change direction to avoid his onslaught. The result was that Ahsoka's shots, which had been aimed at y/n's starfighter, missed. Instead it hit Aayla's vessel behind it.

"y/n I'm going down!" the Twi'lek said through comms. Her voice was calm and collected despite the fact that her starfighter's portside wing had been completely blown off.

"Hold on Master, I'm coming," he answered without skipping a beat, already beginning to turn the controls to head back to Aayla.

"No, go on with the mission. I've got control of this."

"You sure, Master?"

"Are you doubting me y/n?"

"Right, sorry," he said sheepishly and grinned, fixing his gaze on the bounty hunters' ship once more. "Gotcha," he whispered softly under his breath before firing a well aimed shot at the engine.

The Gozanti-class cruiser jolted in the air, seemingly suspended there for a fraction of a second before it unsteadily, spinning, fell back to the ground.

Bon and IG activated their jetpacks, flying out of the wreckage. Ahsoka grabbed Aurra, somehow fitted a parachute over herself, then jumped out of the ship after the other two. y/n followed tightly behind them as they landed on a docking pad. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his Master's crashed starfigher on a different loading area a few hundred metres away.

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