Chapter 37

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Sorry if the chapter felt a bit rushed, I was trying to cram in so much action without writing myself to death. Basically this takes place in 'A War on Two Fronts' S5 E2. If it isn't clear, y/n is 'undercover' as an Onderon soldier, so none of the rebels know that he is in fact a Jedi. He's also dressed up as the dude below. That way none of the canon stuff is affected, but y/n still gets to be in the action, and his appearance is pretty much customisable. Anyways yeah, enjoy!

"Do you think there's something going on between our Padawans?" Anakin asked Aayla as the two stood waiting around the starfighters for the arrival of the younger Jedi

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"Do you think there's something going on between our Padawans?" Anakin asked Aayla as the two stood waiting around the starfighters for the arrival of the younger Jedi.

"Yes, that's definitely possible," the Twi'lek replied with a weary sigh. "They're spending time together, enough for friendship to turn into something that could affect their dedication to the Code."

"Ahsoka's strong. She has determination, self-control. I trust that even if she is blinded by her emotions, she'll find a path out." Anakin paused. "A few days ago she began to use a thought shield, it's as if she's trying to hide what's going on in her mind, as if she knows she's doing something she ought not to."

"y/n is a little more...sentimental, I suppose. He has trouble letting go and there's something about him that makes people fond of him, and him of them." Aayla shook her head and sighed once more. "We'll need to talk to them, definitely. I've never been able to fully teach him the importance of not forming attachments, and for him to take the fall could mean that he never recovers, never becomes a Jedi Knight."

Anakin set his jaw and nodded. "Agreed. Give them a private chat, just guide them on the right path, make sure we hint but don't tell that we know that there may be something bigger. Ultimately, it's their own job and journey to learn from it, and if we do the work for them they'll never truly benefit."

"It's a fine line between falling and learning," Aayla said. "May the Force guide them."

He felt something resembling guilt stir in his gut. All the words he had said, he honestly meant them. It was a shame really that he himself couldn't adhere to the Code, but in his mind Anakin knew it was worth it; Padmé was worth it. He only hoped that Ahsoka could succeed where he had not, and even if love was irresistible for his Padawan, maybe she and y/n had the self-control that he himself desperately needed.

The beeping of his comms brought his attention back to the present. As soon as he answered it, a blue holographic form of two people appeared, and one looked very familiar.

"Master Jedi," Lux Bonteri bowed slightly to the two. "Onderon needs your help."

Once Ahsoka and y/n arrived, the rebels neared finishing explaining their situation. Hanging up, Anakin caught sight of his Padawan smiling at Lux, who returned it, before the latter's hologram disappeared. The older Jedi frowned at the turn of events, and was slightly confused at their relationship.

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