Chapter 65

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a bit different, but i hope you enjoy some backstory. idk why i wanted to include this but a visceral feeling told me it would somehow be beneficial to the plot. let me know what yall think :)

"CT-9595, reporting for duty, sir!" the clone skidded to a halt and gave a slightly sloppy salute.

y/n gave a small snicker as Aayla narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Please enlighten us, did you win a tardiness trophy or are you just fashionably late?" Aayla asked, as the rest of the battalion prepared to board the transport vehicles behind her.

"Sorry, General Secura. I left the trophy in my quarters, along with my 'excuses for being late' handbook," the trooper replied without skipping a beat.

At this, y/n's face cracked into a grin. "Come on, Master, who cares why he's late? Better late than never." Without waiting for Aayla's reply, he turned to the clone and gestured towards the transport shuttles. "Let's go. Do you have a name?"

The trooper's armour was perfectly white, spotless and clean. He held himself with the giddy confidence of a rookie. His hair was undyed and cropped short, but the most noticeable feature was the tattoos that were inked across his face.

A complex tessellation of geometric designs covered one cheek, whilst the other bore images of flowing, water-like patterns. Across his nose, chin and forehead were stripes that resembled those of a lothcat. A dark skull covered one side of his neck.

The clone looked at y/n with a small grin, and said, "Name's Tattoo, Commander."


Ahsoka followed the droid, Russo-ISC into the medical bay to interview the surviving witnesses after the she and Anakin had observed the damage in the Temple hangar. The message of the Council still shocked her; it could have been a Jedi who had initiated the blast.

Just hours ago, she had been saving her Master from a crashing starfighter on Cato Nemoida, and now she was investigating a possible terrorist attack. But at least now, thanks to one of the maintenance crew, she had a lead. Jackar Bowmani.

A few minutes later, Anakin was outside the Temple conversing with Jedi Master Cin Drallig and trying to locate the bombing suspect. A protest against the war raged on the Temple steps before them.

"That is Jackar!"

A woman dressed in purple suddenly stepped out of the crowd, pointing at the hologram projected from the holdisk that Anakin held.

A while later, Anakin, Ahsoka and Russo were back in the hangar, using scans to analyse the explosion. What they came across were traces of nano-droids on the blast origin. The next clue they found was the remains of Jackar's hand, and the nano-droids that were in his bloodstream.


Deep in the solace of space, y/n's starfighter held the only living, breathing thing for lightyears.

He sat unmoving in his starfighter, a pleasant nothingness filling his senses. The engine, shields, navigation and comms were all turned off, the life support being the only system still running, barely detectable amidst the pitch darkness and complete silence.

He allowed his mind to wander off again.

"You know, you're not gonna last long out there if you keep charging headfirst into things," Tattoo yelled at y/n as they leapt out of the speeding transport shuttle, disappearing down into the clouds.

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