Chapter 44

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sorry for the hiatus lol. another chappie will be out before jan 1 2023.

Groggily, y/n opened his eyes. It took a few moments for his vision to focus. When it did, he found himself in a room that looked familiar.

It was then that he jolted to full clarity, the events of what happened before filling his mind.

He noticed he was secured within a containment field, and looked about himself, his gaze searching. There they were, Ahsoka and Trios, imprisoned in similar units to him, a few metres away.

y/n cursed. He knew he had been way too hasty in entering, once again his emotions had gotten the better of his rationality. Somehow, the Separatists had known they would be here. If only he had told Trios to stay outside, if only he had noticed the other containment fields and realised it was a trap, if only he focused on the mission and on the Force.

"Ah, you're awake, too, suitor boy," Trios' voice suddenly brought him back to reality.

"Yup, and in hell. I messed up real bad," he admitted. "You know where Bluey is?"

The princess shook her head, and y/n swore again. First, they would need to escape their bonds, then get R2 back, then get out of the dreadnought.

He turned his head to look at Ahsoka, still passed out. His gaze lingered on her for a long while. There was a sort of ache in his chest; it hurt him to see her like this and not being able to help. When he looked away, y/n was aware of Trios' eyes on him, an interested expression on her face. At this, he felt his heart harden again. The familiar and unwelcome bitter taste of his resentment for Ahsoka and her relationship with Lux returned.

"What's it with you and her?" Trios asked, not beating around the bush.

"Hmm? What do you mean? Nothing. We're Jedi. I'm worried about her, is all." her, is all."

"Pfft. That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day, and I've been kidnapped by a bunch of droid idiots. C'mon, we're stuck here for a while, the Togruta's unconscious, and I'm hungry for a story. Humour me, Jedi."

Usually, he would have been offended. Annoyed. Irritated. It was no one's business about him and Ahsoka, or what he felt about her. The fact that she was asking about something as dangerously revealing as the Jedi Code should have completely discouraged y/n from any further conversation with her.

But there was something that made him speak. Perhaps it was the pressure of having to have kept his emotions down for such a long time, or maybe it was the friendliness of Trios that he hadn't felt for an equally long time. Either way, before he knew it, words were spewing out of his lips.

"I care about her, okay? I don't know, it's just...I'm angry. But I'm also in pain. I'm not supposed to feel this way. There's no way 'Soka will feel this way, because neither of us are supposed to. It just sucks. And it's been this way for so long. I don't know what to do...I'm scared, I'm hurt, there was this other guy...honestly it's just a mess of feelings in my head and I'm trying to clear it because I'm a Jedi, right? Jedi can't form attachments. Well, I've formed one for kriff's sake, and if I try to cut it, I think I'll just about cut my heart out, too."

Trios listened to him rant, her startling blue eyes sparkling as he poured out his tale.

"So what? You're just gonna brave the storm and hope for the best?" She asked as he paused to take a breath. "Surely you have a plan. Intentions. You wanna get over this 'Soka or get with this 'Soka?"

y/n bit his lip. He couldn't believe it. He was telling a princess his entire soppy love story tragedy after having just met her an hour or two before. All whilst they were stuck, captured by Separatists, with the very Togruta in the room.

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