Chapter 17

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Hello there! Before the chappie begins I'd like to thank you all again for 10k reads! Well, it's  10.5k now, so even better! 
PS: y/n and Ahsoka will have some 'cute' moments but not realise it or not take it romantically. There's one in this part and  I'm just letting you guys know that a romantic relationship has not developed yet.

"There you go," Ahsoka said as she plopped two large glasses, filled to the brim with blue milk, onto their table. y/n grinned and lifted his in thanks before taking a big gulp. When he put the glass down there was a ring of bluish froth over his mouth.

"You've got a little something there, n/n," the Togruta grinned, motioning towards his mouth and tossing him a napkin. y/n rubbed the napkin over his lips but the majority of the milk froth still remained.

"Better?" he asked.

Ahsoka laughed and shook her head. "Nah, it looks more like a moustache now. Here," she leaned forwards and gently wiped off the residue. "That's good now," she smirked slightly but tried to keep a straight face. Ahsoka had actually styled the froth into a curly moustache.

y/n meanwhile looked surprised and blushed slightly at the contact. Looking around she saw why.

A couple of Twi'leks and clones were seated in the diner as well. A few of the latter, who seemed to be from the 327th, gave y/n a big thumbs up and shared a laugh, having also spotted his ridiculous 'facial hair'.

Suddenly, the door squeaked. The two turned their heads to look as it was opened, revealing none other than Anakin.

"Ah, if it isn't Hotshot," the Jedi grinned, having seen them at their table. "That was some nice Force using there! Unfortunately for you, I was better."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes at her Master and bumped his shoulder. "Be nice! He's still recovering from his...makeover." Anakin sniggered quietly.

Gazing suspiciously at them, y/n took another swig and his lips were covered in a fresh layer of froth. Ahsoka sipped hers slowly and made sure she wiped her lips clean afterwards.

A few minutes later Anakin had pulled up a chair and joined them properly at their table, nursing a cup of alcoholic Spice Beer between his hands.

"Hold up," he said during a pause in the three's conversation on the latest Republican cruiser model. The older Jedi pointed to y/n's arm with his chin. "What's that?"

"Hmm?" y/n pulled off his fingerless gloves and pushed up the grey sleeve of his tunic. His tattooed arm was now completely visible on the table. He looked at his fingers and his hazel eyes filled with sadness.

"This is a memorial. A shrine. A place for the dead to be remembered. Names of the fallen 327th. Not all of them; thousands I haven't been able to record. The ones I have made it onto my arm, tattooed on," he explained. "It reaches my bicep now. I can only wish that no more brave troopers have to die." He threw a glance at the table the 327th clones had been sitting on a few minutes before. "It started with my friend, Tattoo, during the Battle of Vashka against Hexa Renou." y/n trailed off and didn't say any more. He instead took another sip of his blue milk.

Anakin and Ahsoka regarded him with a look of respect and understanding. The latter had already heard the story, but still she thought this act was very humanising.

"Yes," Anakin nodded solemnly. "Too many have been lost in this war. And if there's any droid I'd like to have killed, Hexa's the one. Maybe tied with Grievous though," he added, and they all smiled.

"Tell me your experiences with that metalhead," y/n grinned at the Master and Apprentice. "It seems we've found another common dislike."

The three Jedi began to chat again, with y/n also sharing his story of captaincy. Soon, however, the prospect of the mission came. They joined Aayla, Bly and Rex in delivering more supplies – this time in transport shuttles – and began to help the Twi'lek population rebuild Ryloth.

Story recoms (Star Wars and more):

Pretty much anything and everything (but mostly Star Wars XD) by juliatheawzom3274

Hidden:  Ahsoka Tano x Reader by ApolloTano

The Jedi's Change by BlackRoseSith

Eye of the Tiger | Samantha LaRusso by kieran_w, for those of you Cobra Kai fans (me included). The guy also has Hermione Granger x Readers if you feel like it.

99+ Ways To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse by ZYACBG

And sorry authors for pinging you...hopefully I got you some more readers tho :)

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