Chapter 23

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Hehe just realised that last chapter was the 66th part...lmao

Welp enjoy! There isn't much dialogue or interaction between Ahsoka and y/n yet but don't worry there will be a lot next chappie.

They arrived at an elevator. Aurra pressed the button and the doors slid open. She gestured for the Togruta to step in first, but Ahsoka shook her head. "I'm not that dumb for you to stuff me down the lift and send me spinning down to Bespin's core."

With a wry smile Aurra walked inside before her and slowly Ahsoka followed suit. Bon and IG entered after them and the doors shut, darkness enveloping the small cabin, save for the droid's single red eye. There was a lurch and creak as the elevator slowly came back to life and an overhead light spluttered on.

"Let me guess, the bio weapon's stored far down in the gas layer because it needs to be in freezing conditions."

Bon nodded grudgingly. Ahsoka noticed for the first time that no part of their face was visible. A large broad brimmed hat covered their head and a bandanna was secured over their mouth. It didn't help that their voice was oddly genderless. She eyed the bounty hunter for a few seconds before looking away, deep in thought about how she would execute the mission.

The rest of the journey down passed in silence, but Ahsoka broke it near the end.

"No one's got explosives on them, right?"

Bon snorted. "We're not idiots, you know."

"IG is literally a walking bomb though," she retorted. "Not a great idea to bring that into highly flammable tibanna atmosphere."

It shocked her slightly just how easy beingsnappy and spiteful was. Perhaps she'd learnt the retorting from Anakin, thesassiness from Obi Wan, and the reckless banter from y/n.

"I do not have the low intelligence present in my system to blow up in a dangerous area," IG said. "I am a highly capable droid that has assassinated more than a hundred targets and I will not fail this mission."

"Seems like I underestimated you," Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Well, we are the best of the best," Aurra said, crossing her arms as she leaned against the elevator wall. "Count Dooku has paid us more than ten million credits each, so I don't think anyone would risk that paycheck."

As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator jittered to a halt and the four stepped out.

It was freezing. Ahsoka felt like she was back on Ilum, and was surprised there wasn't frost on the walls. She shivered in her thin suit, her breaths coming out foggy.

"Cold, ain't it?" Bon said mockingly, as they had a thick layer of leather jackets.

Ahsoka ignored their words and followed Aurra forwards into the crisp room. They must have been far down in Bespin's atmosphere. The space was high-ceilinged and large, with a few old crates stacked against a few of the walls. Unused machinery, pipes going from floor to ceiling and power generators threaded everywhere. It could have been one of the tibanna refineries.

Soon they arrived at the foot of a huge steel container with a large lock at the front.

"Make way please," IG requested and stepped forwards. From his mechanical torso a thin metal rod like a finger extended out and reached into the lock. It twisted for a few seconds, the sound of whirring gears filling the room, before a click and hiss came and the lock fell open.

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