Chapter 43

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No way what the kriff. 105k reads. I never thought I would ever come this far but what a pleasant surprise! Thanks so much everyone for supporting me and reading my fic, it's always so awesome to see how far this story has come. Please, comment, vote, and keep on reading!

Now, I would like to apologise for my long periods of hiatus. Life is very busy and chaotic and I just barely have any time to write. But here we go, another chappie! Enjoy :)

Somewhere deep within the dreadnought, inside a secondary control bridge, a droid sitting behind a large monitor suddenly picked up a signal.

y/n and Trios were being slightly too noisy. Too unfocused. Unlike usual, his mind wasn't solely on the mission. Distracted by the chatter, his senses missed the buzz of a booby-trapped electronic tripwire wired into the passageway.

"Sir," the battle droid said, "I think we have a problem. There's another Jedi on this ship."

Eventually, y/n and Trios reached the centre of the ship. Similar to other models of Separatist ships, this one contained a network of rail jets to transport droids from place to place. The open area they had reached resembled a train station. Multiple other passageways to the left and right of the one they were in also led out onto a platform. On the directly opposite wall were identical passageways. In the centre of the vast platform, several tracks cut through, heading in various directions, branching out deep into the rest of the dreadnought.

They needed to travel across. They had been on the starboard side of the ship. R2 had determined that Ahsoka's cell was on the port side.

Getting over the tracks and into the opposing passageways wasn't going to be easy. Several patrols of battle droids and droidekas were marching back and forth on the platform, whilst hoverjets zoomed across the rail tracks.

"Alright, here's the plan," y/n whispered, ducking back into the relative safety and cover of the passageway after he had surveyed the situation. "We just need to get to the other side."

"And how exactly do we do that?" Trios raised an eyebrow.

The white scar on his face seemed to ripple as he grinned. Directly above her, a vent fell away and the princess yelped in surprise, then stifled a shriek as she felt herself being lifted upwards into the now exposed shaft.

"Aw kriff, I just love vents," y/n chuckled to himself as R2 used its rocket boosters to fly up after her. Once they were up and safe, he shot a few more glances over his shoulders to check that they hadn't been spotted. Leaping into the shaft, he used the Force once more to pick up the vent cover and secured it.

R2 was already moving in the right direction, having obtained knowledge of the vent system from the previous interaction at the computer socket. Trios was being forced along by the whirring little machine, crawling on her hands and knees, whilst the latter just barely fitted in the tight space.

"I am so very glad that there's a droid in between us," she half joked.

"Oh yeah," y/n agreed. "I have a very nice view of Bluey's behind."

R2 stopped suddenly so that y/n's head smacked into the astromech's metal body, then beeped loudly in satisfaction.

"Not to worry Bluey, you are a very handsome machine," he smirked. He paused for a moment, then added, "Wait, nevermind, that's just my reflection."

Trios burst into laughter, her melodic mirth ringing through the vent system. It made y/n smile too.

For a while they just crawled in near silence, which was broken now and then for snippets of short conversation. During that time, he felt himself seeming to collapse inwards. It was as if his chest was hollow and empty. His mind was plagued with anxiety and guilt and apprehension.

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