Chapter 57

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merry xmas :) heres my pressie to you

y/n felt an inexplicably strange connection in the Force as he stood, frozen in the centre of the training room. One arm was extended, holding his lightsaber, both blades activated. He was just about to open his eyes but the sudden sync in his senses made him stop.

He saw something in the back of his mind, darting into his vision for just a second. There was a flash of red before it disappeared. Frowning, y/n opened his eyes, extinguished his lightsaber, and re-entered his stance, before igniting his weapon in the same fashion.

Again, he saw the flash of red in his mind.

This time, he summoned all of his concentration and closed his eyes, before giving his lightsaber a spin.

He saw a pair of yellow, bloodshot eyes and more red.

There was a shelf against one wall of the training room, filled with practice droids, staffs, training swords, and other equipment. y/n Force-pulled a blindfold towards himself and extinguished his lightsaber to tie it around his head.

As soon as his red blades came to life again, the vision came to him. It was as clearly as if he was seeing it in front of him.

There, before y/n, stood a tall, lean Zabrak with red and black tattoos, eyes gleaming yellow.

Maul seemed to see him just then only properly, too. The rest of the space was completely dark, almost non-existent. The only thing in the blackness were their two figures.

He stalked around y/n, tilting his head as if to observe him from every angle. The Zabrak moved lithely and soundlessly, and although he made no apparent move to attack, his face seemed permanently twisted with scorn.

"You are not...Sith," Maul said finally, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Your blades lie."

y/n spun his red lightsaber around his body, leaving ghostly red traces. His muscles were tensed, ready for a burst of movement.

"Not Sith, not entirely Jedi, either," Maul mused, taking y/n by surprise. "Strange, how the Force shows me this. Not an ally...but perhaps still an enemy..."

With an unspoken revelation, both of them suddenly deemed the other a threat. The Zabrak drew his lightsaber, extended the hand holding it, and ignited one blade, then the next.

y/n's eyes widened as he recognised his own movement – no, it wasn't his, it was Maul's.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the Zabrak was rushing at him.

He blocked the attack and then flipped over Maul, slashing in mid-air, but the latter blocked. Turning, y/n met his sharp yellow gaze and saw himself reflected in the golden orbs. Narrowing his eyes, he leapt forwards, but once again their blades crossed.

Moving in sync, their slashes, dodges and flips came with relentless speed and raw emotion.

Suddenly, Maul stepped forward, executing a swift series of cuts and strikes, and y/n slowly moved backwards, dodging and blocking. Then he found an opening and switched to the offensive, face twisting into a snarl as he push the Zabrak back.

He frowned as he realised he was executing the exact same set of movements that Maul had, and now Maul was blocking and dodging exactly the same way as y/n had.

The thought was pushed out of his head as the Zabrak let out a guttural growl, baring his yellowed teeth, and almost decapitated his opponent.

The Force flooded y/n's senses, and he ducked, trying to sweep Maul's legs, who jumped. Although he was trying hard to land a hit, he wasn't putting out effort. Everything seemed to come naturally, almost as if he had been attached to strings, and some puppeteer was controlling every movement for him.

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