Chapter 62

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AHHHH IM SO EXCITED TO RELEASE THIS ARC! i also took some inspiration from SWTOR, as i really enjoyed some of the setting and gameplay (even though it's legends). this first chappie might feel a bit slow and ordinary, but hopefully the parts that follow will fall into place and make everything more exciting. anyways, thanks so much for sticking with me and i hope you enjoy!

The blue light of the Archives illuminated the three figures.

"Masters, this has been weighing heavily on my mind and I do believe it should be brought to attention," Aayla said solemnly. "Master Windu, I know you have your opin-judgements, but I ask you to keep an open mind regarding this issue."

She stopped before a shelf, identical to the rest of the neatly stacked archives.

"A matter of Vaapad, this concerns?" Yoda asked, watching Aayla remove a holocron.

"Not exactly," she replied with a slight grimace. "But yes, this is a holocron that Master Windu recorded."

Aayla was about to elaborate when a sudden beep emitted from Windu and Yoda's wristlinks. The Grandmaster offered an apologetic nod to the Twi'lek. Approaching a nearby holotable, the Jedi allowed the transmission to play.

"Masters," addressed a woman dressed in grey Republican fatigues, with a highly decorated insignia. Despite having the appearance of a senior official, she was actually a skilled archivist, analyst and researcher from the Jedi Archives, now stationed as the head of one of the numerous Republic listening posts stationed throughout the galaxy.

"I have important news. Our listening post in the Outer Rim have picked up fragmented intel that Count Dooku visited Moraband within the last standard hour. A scattered transmission revealed that he 'was not able to locate the objective'. We have reason to believe that he might be after a Sith artifact."

Windu frowned and said, "This is disturbing news, Master Gera Yarput. We will call an urgent Council Meeting and discuss a follow-up mission, effective immediately."

"Allow Dooku to gain power from the Dark Side, we cannot," Yoda rasped gravely. "Terrible possibilities, there are. Many losses in this War, might we incur."

Gera Yarput, the head of the operation that had come across the transmission, nodded and dismissed herself. Her hologram vanished.

"It appears that we have a more important matter than that for which you have brought us here today," Windu stated in his unapologetic, straightforward matter.

"This is a more important discovery," Aayla replied with an acquiescent dip of her head. "But I would like to volunteer my services for this mission, if you deem appropriate, Masters."

Windu regarded her for a long time before he began to walk, leading the way to the Council room. Then there was the ever so slight inclination of his head. "Very well. We will discuss this further."

Within a few minutes the majority of the Council had assembled, along with Aayla standing in their midst. Most of the Council members were in hologram form, as they were currently off world on other missions.

"Master Secura will be a suitable fit for this mission," Mundi said. "She has enough wisdom and experience to resist the temptations that Moraband might throw."

"Her apprentice, on the other hand, should perhaps refrain from the mission," Plo Koon suggested, though not unkindly. There were murmurs of agreement, and although Aayla herself agreed, she couldn't stop feeling a fierce protectiveness for y/n.

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