Chapter 22

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Thanks so much for 15.4k reads guys! HOLY FORCE YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!! If you didn't know already, I'm doing a little Q/A thing as a celebration so post any questions you have about me or the story and I should be able to answer it! Also the shout outs are coming very soon...

Bespin. It was a sickly yellow.

Ahsoka swallowed. She had never been undercover before.

Gazing down at the gas giant from Cora Dii's YT-2000 ship, the Togruta was reminded of an old mission with her Master. They had been on Naboo, Padme and JarJar had been captured by the scientist Nuvo Vindi. They discovered that he was recreating the Blue Shadow Virus and she had barely escaped from his lab alive, let alone prevent a galaxy-wide pandemic.

Taking a deep breath she began to bring the ship down to the surface.

The Council had given her the coordinates to the bounty hunter's rendezvous point and slowly Ahsoka threaded through the fluffy clouds, stained pink from the planet's nearest star. The buildings here were so different from Coruscant's. These were round and disk shaped, some suspended in the air whilst others were supported by a single pole that extended down into the gaseous centre of the planet.

She flew passed over Cloud City, admiring the beautiful architecture as it glistened in the sunlight, but her mind was distracted with thoughts of the mission.

In a few seconds the metropolis passed and Ahsoka found herself alone in the clouds once more. They seemed suffocating, pressing in on the ship. She felt like any second a huge skyscraper would suddenly rear up and she would crash into it.

Nothing happened and she was surrounded by cloud for a long time.

And then below her the remains of a city could be seen.

It would have been rich, long ago. The buildings were grand and imposing, constructed with expensive materials. Docks, refineries, power generators and loading platforms were scattered here and there, suggesting it had grown rich from tibanna gas exports.


The great city had been the second largest in Bespin, after Cloud City, growing rich from mining the precious gas. Had been. After the start of the Clone Wars it was slowly abandoned until the place had been completely deserted. Now, all that was left was a sparkling, slowly decaying city.

This was also where Cora Diis and the others would be meeting up.

Ahsoka landed the ship on a platform. It was a ghost town. No busy buzz of traffic or chattering of citizens.

Exiting the ship, she immediately reached to check for her lightsabers, a habit she had developed, only to remember they weren't there. Being disguised as a bounty hunter meant that the only weapons she had were two E-11 blaster pistols and a small vibroknife. She felt uncomfortable too, instead of her normal outfit she had a tight, constricted black bodysuit.

Glancing at the small computer screen on her armguard, Ahsoka looked around the city and began to head into the nearest building. She could sense life forms inside, and could tell they knew she was there. They were probably going to ambush her, but nevertheless she continued.

As soon as she stepped through the doorway the Togruta felt cold metal press against her temple. Just as expected. Her eyes darted to the barrel of the blaster and she caught sight of a tall, rigid silhouette.

"What do we have here?" a mechanical voice spoke and there was a whirring sound before a red light-the droid's eye-was shone onto her.

"I am Cora Diis," Ahsoka responded calmly, though her muscles tensed as she prepared to pull out her own guns and fight.

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