Chapter 26

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Guys I know Ahsoka and y/n don't really spend much time together as  seen in other fanfics but I swear I'm getting to it! Next chappie I promise they will literally be talking and joking around the entire time. Sorry for the wait, I was on a really huge week long hike but I'm back. Hope you guys are enjoying so far!

The Jedi walked slowly through the black market. They had hidden their lightsabers to avoid any suspicions and possible theft.

y/n reached into the Force, listening to everything around him, searching for a snippet of something relating to a bioweapon or Count Dooku. He kept his hood up as he followed Aayla, who was ambling casually in front.

Remaining a few steps behind, Ahsoka survey the area around her, looking for a sign of the bounty hunters' ship or a Separatist vessel.

"I don't sense them at all," y/n said, wrinkling his nose. "Either they're a long way away or they've already gone."

"We'll keep searching until we reach the next intersection," Aayla said, her limp barely visible now. "Otherwise we might have to get a little...creative," she turned around so the three would fall into step, a slight smirk on her face.

y/n shook his head with a slight smile. "You're plans are so amazing," he said sarcastically.

"Damn right they are," she replied, making the two Padawans chuckle. Aayla raised and eyebrow. "It really is weird seeing you as Cora Diis...I'll be looking forward to when you change back. Nanotech is messed up," she said to the Togruta.

"And that voice. So nasal," y/n sniggered as his Master began walking faster ahead, and Ahsoka punched him in the shoulder.

"I'm going to ignore the hypocrisy in there," she muttered irritably. "You don't exactly sound like an angel, either."

"Aww, shut up," he replied, feigning hurt and rubbing his shoulder.

"Please, lead by example," Ahsoka scoffed back and rolled her eyes. y/n was so dramatic, she wondered why he wasn't an actor or something.

He smirked and mimed pulling a zip over his mouth, speeding ahead so he could catch up with his Master. Now that he was gone Ahsoka could focus more on the mission, but being annoyed at him became a constant companion and she almost felt a little lonely without his snarky remarks and joking around. The Togruta quickened her pace and drew level with the other two Jedi.

Glancing around the shadowed stands, she saw a heap of suspicious things piled up onto the tables: droid parts; illegal guns; the organs of various species – that made Ahsoka rather uncomfortable; sickly slaves; the body parts of rare and valuable animals...but none of them held any semblance to the box that IG had been carrying, the one containing the bio weapon.

"Why doesn't the Council do anything about it?" y/n asked, a hint of resentment in his voice as he gazed around the market, equally appalled as Ahsoka.

"We can now," Aayla replied. "Black markets aren't as easy to find as you may think. Jedi don't have the resources to uncover all the illegal things happening on every single planet, especially now with the war happening."

"But they'll work on it, right? After the War ends?" The Togruta asked as they passed a large cage crammed full of slaves. She looked away.

Aayla sighed. "We try, Ahsoka. But there's so much to do, not enough time to do it and not enough people to do so."

Before long, they had arrived at the next intersection and the Twi'lek pulled them to one side, out of the way of the moving people.

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