Chapter 36

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I apologise greatly for my hugeeeeeee hiatus but I'm here now and hopefully will be posting more regularly. Plus, it's quite a long chappie to make up for it I guess. Enjoy!

Count Dooku's attack on the Dathomirian Night Sisters had largely been unnoticed amongst the Council. That was, until the incident had been discovered and a group of Jedi sent down to investigate.

y/n wasn't the best candidate for the mission; whether his impact from the destruction would be beneficial for his self-control or bring back unwanted trauma was unknown. However, he insisted on going and Aayla, as well as her Padawan, were sent.

As not many Jedi had ever been to Dathomir, the Council thought it would be a good idea to send a person who had interacted with the Nightbrothers. Obi-Wan was off world with the 212th Attack Battalion, leaving the one of the only other candidates, Anakin. He and Ahsoka, with y/n and Aayla, flew to the planet via a cruiser and made it into the atmosphere in their own starfighters.

The maroon and scarlet landscape, murky and floating with a mysterious fog, stretched out before them. It was all too much a familiar sight, sending a cold thrill through y/n. So much of his life had happened here, most of it in his childhood years, the rest a patchwork of visions in his unconsciousness.

The stagnant air was warm and almost suffocating, but he was used to it, though a little taken aback from being away from it for so long. The familiar crags and sharp jutting black rock spires towered in the distance. Every few hundred metres a sprawling mass of crooked, tough Grave Thorn trees grew, slowly wrapping around the scattered boulders in the vicinity.

"How did you live here for so long?" Anakin joked, in obvious discomfort from the stifling air and overall appearance of the place.

"Home is a weird thing," y/n shrugged simply, gazing out across the barren red landscape. "The Nightsisters' fortress is that way," he pointed in a seemingly arbitrary direction. "The Nightbrothers' village is the opposite, and closer."

"We could split up and do a reconnaissance," Aayla suggested, and the rest of the group nodded.

Ahsoka stuck close with Anakin, intending to partner with her Master. Hopefully they could be alone so she would finally be able to discuss the growing ball of fire in her chest and ask for his guidance. The past few days she had almost no time with just Anakin; more often than not he had arranged for trainings with Aayla and the Togruta would end up learning with y/n. Not that Ahsoka didn't enjoy that, but now that she had identified her feelings there was an anxiety that came with them.

"Stripey, you wanna come with me?" y/n called, beckoning her over.

"You're getting sick of me, aren't you?" Aayla smirked, crossing her arms. "Very well, I'll go with Master Skywalker and check out the village. You two get the corpses. If there's anything important, inform us on the comms and we'll meet back here at 1530."

"Ahsoka," Anakin called.

"Yes, Master?"

"Stay focused." That was all he said before the two older Jedi turned and began walking away.

Ahsoka felt her chest tighten at his words and exhaled softly. Looking around, her expression changed and her heart skipped a beat when y/n smirked at her and swung his arm over her shoulders. "I'm not that ugly, am I?" he joked, leading her in the direction of the Nightsisters' fortress, his hand on his lightsaber hilt.

"No, quite the contrary," she replied as coolly as possible, and smirked when he turned to her in surprise with reddened cheeks.

"Well then, why'd you wanna go with Master Skywalker when there's an undeniably more handsome option?" he shot back after a few seconds pause, having not expected Ahsoka's reply. A part of him became distracted again, and y/n wondered if she really meant what she had said.

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