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It had been five months since the Raxshir Clan had travelled to the remote planet of Ilum, located in the Unknown Regions, to harvest their own kyber crystals, and build their lightsabers.

It had been two days since the Raxshir Clan had completed the Jedi Initiate Trials. Well, at least those who remained.

The trilogy of tests that each of the younglings had to face – knowledge of the Code, self-discipline and connection with the Force – had resulted in Bokkee and Hona never walking the halls of the Jedi Temple again as members of the Jedi Order.

They had failed to pass the Trials. Both had been transposed to become Jedi Service Corps members instead.

For the ten remaining younglings, this tore a huge chunk out of their hearts. The whole mess hall was silent, devoid of the usual chatter shared between the younglings. Bokkee and Hona would disappear from their lives, as simply as turning off a lightsaber.

Nothing would have prepared them for the loss of their lifelong friends, except the harsh reality of the Jedi Code that forbid attachments.

Dun dun duuuuuun!

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now