Chapter 56

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100 chappies, y'all!

I'd like to say thank you so much for all your support. I never thought I'd make it to 1k, let alone 282k. It genuinely makes me so happy when I see the comments and people enjoying my story. I know I don't do shoutouts anymore, but I'm super grateful to everyone who has helped me get this far.

And also, sorry for the late post. To make up for it, this is a longer chappie. Hopefully I'll be writing more soon :)


"I still don't understand why we have to be here," y/n said gruffly under his breath, one hand on his lightsaber, the other bracing against the open doorway of the LAAT.

Aayla overheard his words and leaned over his shoulder to reply over the deafening sound of the wind coming into the cabin.

"Council's orders, y/n. You know they know what they're doing."

"Do they though?" he scowled, then wished he hadn't opened his mouth again. Aayla frowned disapprovingly at him in a way that made him want to shrink back into his skin. She crossed her arms and seemed to look down at him, even though he was taller.

"Padawan. We comply with our orders. There is a war out there, and we're in the centre of it. As much as I would like to help those people on Lothal, we have a duty here on Felucia."

y/n held her gaze for a moment, then lowered his eyes and nodded. "Yes Master."

One of the clones in the transport broke the tension as he yelled, "We're landing!"

The LAAT came to a rest in a manually cleared space amidst the exotic vegetation. Stepping out, y/n surveyed the territory, already familiar with much of the flora from his multiple previous visits to Felucia with Aayla.

"Distress signal's coming from the east, half a klick."

"It's still on?" Bly asked, jumping out from a second gunship that was still a metre off from landing on the ground. Another more LAATs landed in the clearing. About eighty soldiers in total.

"Yes sir, they're still emitting."

"Let's get there before the Seppies take it over, then," y/n said. He charged forwards into the vibrant Felucian landscape in the direction of due east.

The Republican troops emerged on the battle scene, the sound of blaster fire, explosions and yells preceding the sight of the battle. They emerged on top of an elevated plane that offered a view from behind the jungle cover into the valley below.

"We have to defend the outpost!" Bly yelled to the men over the sounds of raging blaster fire. "We'll form a defensive line at-"

y/n didn't bother listening to the rest of the orders. Staying on his feet, he slid a few feet down the slope and then leapt to the flat ground, pulling out his lightsaber.

Aayla stepped to the edge of the plane and looked down at him with an expression of stupefaction and slight sternness.

"What do you think you're doing?" she called.

"It's just a battle, Master. All they care about is whether it's a loss or a victory. The journey to doesn't matter," he replied. "Might as well get it over with quickly."

"y/n-" Aayla reproached.

"Defensive perimeter, whatever, got it!" Before she could finish, he had already moved out of the protection of the foliage and onto the battlefield.

Waves and waves of other AATs, phalanxes of battle droids and several squads of droidekas lulled slowly but steadily up the playing field.

In the direction of the Republican outpost, sandbags and other fortifications formed a rough line before the structure. White armoured bodies sprawled unmoving, whilst others peeked out from behind the defences and fired intermittently.

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