Chapter 38

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The next few days, the rebels strove to gain momentum of their movement, whilst the Jedi observed their progress. Reports of their daring strikes circulated through the city as they destroyed countless droids and patrols, though none were able to capture them and their identities remained unknown.

It had gotten harder for Ahsoka and y/n to communicate once he assumed duties posing as a rebel. It brought on more frequent fits of lovesickness, but that also often meant that he wouldn't have to painfully witness Lux working closely with her either.

One night y/n was fortunate enough to catch the Togurta alone, and they spent a good part of the night simply sitting on the rooftop of one of the houses and chatting. The Onderon mission was small and wasn't going to last a long time, but to him it felt like so much had changed, and not all of the differences were all that positive for him.

Ahsoka felt herself being almost torn apart by her emotions and her duties. She tried to focus and dedicate everything to the task at hand, observing the rebel's progress, but more than often her gaze would linger particularly on Lux.

It was clear he liked her back, to some degree at least. But there was also Steela, and she knew that it would never be possible for herself as a Jedi to engage in anything romantic. The harsh truth was that one day she would leave Onderon, and one day she would never see Lux again, and Steela would always be the better choice for him.

Her affection for y/n had toned down, or been shoved out of the way by her interest in the senator. She hoped it was the former, so that it might mean her love for him would cease and all her duties as a Jedi wouldn't be affected.

For now, she was wrestling with her feelings and trying to keep them under check.

"Your success will not go unnoticed," Anakin announced as they all settled down inside their temporary base, a dark house cleared out on an inconspicuous street. His statement was met with much cheering.

"I agree," Obi-Wan said, "but we need to be mindful of public perception. What was your observation, Padawan?" he met the eyes of y/n, before turning to Ahsoka.

"The people were fearful, Master," the Togruta replied.

"Indeed," the older Jedi mused. "Judging from the reactions I saw today, I'm afraid they will mistake your intentions."

"We need to do more damage," Saw exclaimed, clenching his fist and catching it with his other hand. "A few dozen broken down droids will do little to free Onderon."

"The people need to believe we can succeed," Steela joined in. "Without their support, our efforts are meaningless."

"If they're afraid, they won't support us," nodded Lux. "We need to assure them of our intentions."

"I don't understand. Why are they afraid?" Saw muttered with a shake of his head.

"They afraid we're not strong enough to win," said Steela. "We need to earn their trust."

"You'll have plenty of time to earn their trust," Anakin stated. "All of you are going to be very busy."

"Today was only a taste," Rex agreed, crossing his arms. "You'll get your chance."

"In the meantime, make the most of your victories," Obi-Wan instructed, and the rebels all nodded. "Welcome and learn from them."

"Perhaps if we hit something big, gave a show of strength," Lux said, standing up and crossing his arms behind his back, "they will overcome their fear and join us."

"Do you have anything in mind?" asked Ahsoka, perking up with interest.

"I know the perfect target."

"I think they're ready to give the 501st some competition," Anakin said as the Jedi and Rex made their way out of the base, spilling back out into the sunshine bathed streets.

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