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edit: rewrote part of this chappie for conciseness and for a more believable character. semi-major changes.

"But you cheated! You used a Force push on me!"

"The push was a Force trick. The Force is allowed. I haven't cheated," he replied nonchalantly.

The rules had been murky. It was a lightsaber duel; the use of the Force had been neither encouraged nor discouraged.

"Right, and banthas fly."

Wincing, she admitted to herself that it was not her finest comeback. He seemed to think so, too, and rolled his eyes, illuminated by the green and red lightsabers.

The boy shrugged. "Yield," he said again, sounding bored.

She was cornered, overpowered and without her weapon. She searched for an opportunity to restart the fight, perhaps Force push him, but decided against it. At least the duel could end if she submitted, and she could be humble, unlike her opponent.

"Fine. I yield." She said grudgingly. "Cheat," she added, muttering irritably under her breath.

The blinds lifted from the large windows, and the bright Coruscant sun flooded into the room, illuminating the two figures. They were both around thirteen years old. The boy was a Human, and his duellist was a Togruta with a striped blue and white lekku, her orange-brown skin glowing in the sunlight.

He extinguished both lightsabers, and raised a hand to block the sudden sun from his dark-adjusted eyes. He hooked his own weapon to his belt and handed the other to his opponent.

The room was circular, with concrete basins holding flowers along the walls. The sweet scent from the blooming plants filled the spacious room. Clustered around the back of the room was a group of twenty or so younglings of all different species. At their head was an old, wrinkled, small green form with long ears and wise eyes.

"Good. Feel the flow, you do." The ancient figure said, his voice gravelly and rough. "A good display of Form IV Ataru, young y/n l/n. You will have a successful path in this form, I sense. And young Ahsoka Tano, skilled in the Form V Shien are you. Master this, and very strong you shall be. Hmm."

His two students bowed, large smiles on their faces. Praise was not delivered often by Grandmaster. Yoda turned to the younglings, who had been watching the intense duel and were beginning to learn about lightsaber fighting and its forms. They were only a few years older than initiates, around the age of five.

"Questions for y/n l/n and Ahsoka Tano, have you?" Yoda asked the younglings. One raised their hand, a Twi'lek male. "Yes, young Baluu?"

The force-sensitive child brightened. "Are you a Sith?" He asked innocently. "Only the Sith use red lightsabers. Are you evil?"

All heads turned towards the so-called Sith.

"Of course not!" y/n laughed, then paused. "Are you sure you're not a Sith? Only the Sith deal in absolutes." The younglings giggled at his joke, the original question already forgotten as another topic of lightsaber combat was introduced.

"For your time, I thank you. Shown the younglings your skills, you have." Yoda nodded at the two older learners. Just the slightest hint of concern was visible on the Grandmaster's face as his gaze lingered on the boy, but it disappeared as quickly as it had emerged. Yoda could sense a slight unease around him after Baluu's question. "Go now, you shall. Mmm, yes."

"Thank you, Master Yoda!" Both chorused.

The high-ceilinged spaces of the Jedi Temple looked like a monasterial palace. Although there were countless Jedi moving through the space with purpose, all was quiet. The silence was broken as the Togruta rushed out into the corridor after her friend.

"Are you alright?" Ahsoka asked hesitantly, running to fall into step with y/n, who had walked ahead. She wasn't sure whether to be irritated about his behaviour in the duel or be empathetic after the youngling's question about his red blades.

His lightsaber colour was already an internal journey of discovery for himself, and the numerous older Jedi who openly criticized his weapon did not help.

"I'm fine," he answered sincerely. "So, how does it feel to have been beaten by me...again?" y/n teased, changing the subject. Ahsoka felt relieved that her best friend hadn't taken the youngling's question too seriously and was able to brush it off.

"Hey, mister, if you actually bothered to keep score, you would know that I've won more of our duels. By a lot, that is." She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Is that so, Stripey?" He mused, checking his fingernails blatantly. His mock indifference was torturous, even if she could sense he was faking it.

"Yes, n/n."

y/n called her 'Stripey' in honour of her blue and white lekku, and Ahsoka nicknamed him 'n/n' because of [insert cool reason].

"Are you sure?" he asked.


"When have you ever been right?"

"All the time."

"You're just jealous."

"You're bad at following rules," she retorted.

"I told you the Force is allowed."

Ahsoka stopped suddenly, causing her friend to slam into her shoulder. "We use the Force to pick up our lightsabers when they've dropped and perform other non-harmful actions. Not. Throwing. Someone. Against. The. Wall." She sighed, exasperated. "Geez, you're so..." she fumbled for a word to describe y/n.

"Handsome? Amazing? Skillful?" He suggested, laughing.

"How about reckless, stupid, brash and careless?" The Togruta corrected irritably.

"Hmm...'Soka, don't you think that these are your traits too?" y/n said slyly and smirked. He received a rough push from Ahsoka before she continued to make her way towards the mess hall.

"Boys." She muttered. 

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now