Chapter 30

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Sprinting down the corridors, he arrived breathless in front of Master Yoda's quarters. The doors to the Grandmaster's room slid open, and the small green alien looked up at him expectantly.

"Yes, what is it, Padawan l/n?"

"I had a vision. Please Master, I think it's important enough for a Council Assembly to be held. Darth Maul is back, and people are in danger."

Yoda stared up at him with a curious eye for a few moments, before nodding and walking out of his room, his stick clanking with every step.

When they arrived at the Council chamber, most of the Masters had already arrived, others present in the form of shimmering blue holograms.

"Why have we gathered today, y/n?" Aayla asked, her face concerned as she saw his dishevelled hair and his troubled aura.

He quickly explained the dream and the Zabrak's plan to draw his old nemesis out, the villagers in danger and Maul's goal.

"Grave, our situation is," Yoda croaked, looking at Obi-Wan with an interested expression.

"I don't believe this is a vision," Master Windu mused, his eyes had been on y/n the entire time, almost with some distrust. "Master Kenobi, you killed Darth Maul all those years ago, didn't you? He was split in half, even. How do you have evidence to claim that Maul is still alive? Much less resurrected himself?"

y/n opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off.

"No, I think this is a nightmare of a sort. Resurfaced memories, unspoken fears about your past, Padawan," Windu said.

The rest of the Council began to talk, debating and arguing about whether Maul really was a danger, or even alive. y/n remained standing in the centre of the room, answering questions and trying not to bristle every time Windu spoke. Every word from that Jedi was negative and accusing.

Couldn't they feel the disturbance in the Force? Why couldn't they believe him? He had never been wrong in the past, and every second wasted was a threat to the villagers that the Zabraks were hurting.

He was lost in his own thoughts, trying to reach into the Force and sense Savage or Maul or what they were doing, but was unsuccessful. The room was just a buzz in his mind, he was far away in the galaxy, threading through the battles currently going on and trying to reach the planet he had seen in his dreams.

"y/n. y/n," Aayla repeated, causing him to blink and snap back to the present. She flashed him an apologetic look and said, "The Council will adjourn this meeting. You are dismissed." The expression that followed told him not to argue.

He sighed and nodded before bowing, making sure his back was to Windu. "Thank you, Masters," he mumbled and turned to leave the room, passing Obi-Wan's supportive gaze before offering the man a smile.

Soon, he found himself walking towards Ahsoka's table in the mess hall.

"There you are!" she grinned, then immediately looked concerned. "Did you lose a fight with your pillow?" the Togruta asked in an attempt to lighten the mood as he sat down opposite her.

"Oh yeah, about that. I'm assuming you brought me into my quarters yesterday? Thank you for that." He tapped his fingers impatiently against the table's steel top, the tattooed one black against the shiny material.

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