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edit: heavy editing again, got rid of another mention of Force Mind Probe.

The day before, Master Yoda had brought a young Padawan who had just been assigned to tell the Clan about their journey through the Crystal Caves. After the Padawan's story, the younglings had different views.

Some of the Clan were nervous at the prospect of failing and immediately being discharged from the Order, whilst another fraction, including Ahsoka, y/n, looked forward to the visit.

Ahsoka wondered what her experience would be like. She pictured the huge, winding tunnels, their stony insides speckled with glittering, gleaming crystals. She imagined closing her eyes, feeling the Force in her body, in the tunnels, in the freezing Ilum landscape far above her, everywhere, tugging at her spirit, leading her to her own kyber crystal.

"Hello? 'Soka?" A voice sounded. The Togruta shook her head to clear her thoughts and return to reality. "You want one? I snuck these from Coruscant the last time we had a trip out."

y/n pushed a packet of strange looking biscuits towards her. Everyone else on the table was already chewing, grinning at the sweet flavour that they rarely tasted.

"Alright. Thanks," Ahsoka smiled as she took one. Biting into it, her mouth felt on fire. She fought the urge to spit out the spicy tasting cookie.

She came face to face with a sly looking y/n, Around the table, Ahsoka's friends were laughing at her, having pretended to take a cookie and obviously being part of the plot.

"Seriously y/n? Another one of your stupid pranks!" y/n glanced at her and muttered unapologetically, "Sorry." To the younglings at his table, he said quietly, but loud enough for Ahsoka to hear, "She's such a bad sport, isn't she?"

Ahsoka spat the remains of her cookie onto y/n. On purpose.

She and y/n were the top of their class, almost equally tied on all disciplines. There was rarely an hour where they ceased to squabble or tease each other, neither of them willing to back down to second place. He never made life easy for her on purpose, pranking her whenever he could. But it was always done in the best spirit; they were and would remain best friends.

"Is it actually spicy? I want to try!" A Ssi-ruu learner growled.

"We should go, we have to go to our next lesson," y/n chided, trying to wipe the cookie remnants off his robes whilst glaring at a smug-looking Ahsoka. "Let's not be late again. Last time was your fault." He smirked, remembering how, previously, he and Ahsoka had been chatting too long and come late to class.

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now