Chapter 58

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welcome to 2024 guys! i hope you all are enjoying the holidays and having a good time with your family and friends. once again id like to thank everyone for the constant support. kinda cool to think that i started this in 2020 or something...woah it's been a journey and im somehow still obsessed with star wars? 

btw, any new years resolutions? feel free to comment. mine involves some PRs in the gym and also to finish this story by the end of the year :)

anyways, have a great day and enjoy. peace.

"Hey." y/n's footsteps slowed to match hers as he caught up.

"Morning, n/n" she replied, not turning to look at him, a smile tugging at her lips.

Together they walked through the padded carpet floors of the Temple, moving leisurely and enjoying the sight of the city from the massive floor to ceiling windows. Every now and then they passed another Jedi and exchanged a greeting, but for the most part it almost seemed as if they were alone.

There was a freshness in the morning; the air seemed crisp and there was an odd tranquillity in the busy skylanes outside.

"Why are you up this early?" he asked as they stopped to watch Coruscant's sun rise above the top of the tallest skyscraper, splashing everything momentarily in a brilliant orange light.

"Anakin woke me up to tell me he was leaving for a mission with Obi-Wan; useless info, really, I think he did it just to annoy me," she replied with a roll of her eyes, then turned to him. "You?"

"Same as Anakin," he grinned. "I have a mission, too, and I wanted to say bye to you, but you were already out of your dorm by then."

They kept walking, moving with unspoken understanding towards the direction of the hangar.

"Where are you going? Or is it all confidential?" she asked.

He brushed an imaginary speck of dust off his shoulder and said in a deadly serious tone, "I'm on an assassination mission to capture and decapitate Count Dooku, in his palace, on Serenno."

Slightly caught off guard, she gave a snort and punched his shoulder.

"That might be a lie," he said. "What I'm actually doing is much less heroic and covert. Master is instructing a few classes for the younglings, and then she wanted to do some sort of research, alone, so she found something for me to do off world."

The sliding doors opened before them, and they stepped into the hangar. Ahsoka suddenly had an idea.

"So, it's not a Council assigned mission, right? Technically, I could come with you."

He gave a snort and said playfully, "Who said I wanted you to come with me?"

Ahsoka stopped and turned to look at him, her arms crossed and an unimpressed look on her face.

Laughing, y/n pushed her forwards, guiding her towards their ship. He leant over and whispered in her ear, "Of course I want you with me, 'Soka. Always."

She grinned and let herself enjoy the few seconds of the touch of his hands on her shoulders.

They climbed onboard the Reconnaissance-170 starfighter and it wasn't long before they were flying through the air, and then entering hyperspace.

"Well, are you gonna tell me what we're doing, or just hold me hostage?" she asked.

"Hold you hostage," he replied with a smirk. There was a slight pause, before he continued. "Alright, what do you know about Kasegna?"

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