Chapter 31

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Lots of words this time (almost 5000!), but don't expect this much next time. I'm just writing a lot in case I hit 200 parts before I'm done and then there will be problems...and if you're wondering by the way, the friendship -> romantic tension began to develop a few chappies ago and it is ON DA RISEEEEE

The cold stone walls pressed tightly around Ahsoka's body as she clung motionlessly to the rungs of the ladder. It was chilly and crisp, hundreds of meters below the surface, whilst the constant scent of sewage made her want to barf.

Echoes of the draughts blowing through rang up through the tight shaft. Below her, y/n's soft breathing could also be heard, almost stifled, as he remained silent and unmoving. A few seconds passed before he tapped her boot, signalling that it was safe to continue upwards.

She could just make out the outlines of the ladder rungs, but that was all that was visible in the suffocating darkness. In the stealth mission, they would have to make do with limited lighting and ease. Above her, many more metres of climbing. Around her, the stone walls pressed against her shoulders. Below her, y/n was facing the same discomfort.

Another wave of nausea overcame him as the reek of excrement filled his senses. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, he lowered his head and kept climbing.

"I can't believe we're climbing up a sewage pipe," he grumbled.

"Oh, I thought you felt right at home," Ahsoka replied, smirking to herself.

"Speak for yourself," y/n rolled his eyes, almost retching.

After what felt like eternity, they finally reached the hatch. Both paused as he checked his wrist computer again for the time, a soft blue light throwing a glow over his face and scar.

"Twelve seconds," he whispered, turning off the screen and delving into silence.

The time passed and y/n tapped Ahsoka's boot again. Quickly, she spun the hatch open and the entrance popped up for them. The light that shone through was almost blinding after the continuous darkness.

The two clambered through into a hallway with polished metal walls. The sound of boots was quickly fading, meaning that the wrist computer's timing algorithm was right. Closing the hatch, the floor was reversed into its previous smooth black tiles, completely inconspicuous and not visible by anyone unless they knew such a place existed.

"Master Kobar Uten is in Cell R524, twenty floors down," Ahsoka said, leading the way as they crept through the hallways, avoiding the guard patrols. They were well aware, however, of the black lenses of the cameras following them.

The two Padawans were on a secret mission on Serenno, the heart of the Separatist movement itself. Within the rocky Aparian Wastes of the planet, a sprawling underground prison dwelt. The Spike was a vast network of jails, housing criminals or important war prisoners whom Dooku wanted to interrogate himself. The security seemed unbreachable until spies infiltrated the place through the prison's only weak spot: its sewage systems. With the data, they would be able to escape the eyes of the guards, unless they wanted to.

The plan was to create chaos and draw Serenno defences to the prison, leaving Anakin and Aayla able to infiltrate and steal the information they needed from Dooku's palace. Meanwhile, they would be able to rescue Kobar Uten, a Jedi who had been captured and had military intelligence of the Separatist movements across the galaxy, unbeknownst to the Count.

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