Chapter 64

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Anakin awoke, and found himself standing near the entrance, looking at the coffin. Puzzled, he found Ahsoka and Aayla by the wall, looking equally surprised. y/n, who was holding something, suddenly dropped the urn and backed away from it.

Everyone watched him closely, apprehensively.

The antechamber was undamaged, the sandy stone sarcophagus still intact, the mudbrick wall unbroken, the ceiling whole. Aayla's arm wasn't broken and there was no dried blood on y/n's head or face.

"Holy Force," y/n whispered. "Kriff, I'm so sorry."

He turned and sprinted out of the antechamber, leaving the others still perplexed about how the previous battleground was suddenly unblemished.

Although she didn't appear shaken, there was visible worry in Aayla's eyes. She also left the antechamber to go after her Padawan.

"Are you alright, Snips?" Anakin asked, approaching Ahsoka and putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, and then at the urn, and shook her head. "That's okay," he said. "Neither am I."

They reassembled on the ship, and Aayla was already waiting for them.

"Where's y/n?" Anakin questioned, and put the urn on the floor of the cabin where he could keep a close eye on it at all times during the flight.

"He locked himself in the cargo hold," the Twi'lek replied.

"He knows that wasn't real, right?" Anakin said cautiously.

A few minutes after 'awakening' after fight, it had become clear to everyone that a battle had never occurred. y/n had never turned to the Dark Side or hurt any of his friends, but the recollection of the shock and the pain and the pure radiating feeling of evil almost convinced Anakin again that it did happen.

The vision had been intense and vivid. If he hadn't managed to subdue y/n in the end, if y/n had successfully killed the three Jedi, then that nightmare might have become their reality.

"I tried telling him that," Aayla resumed the conversation as they entered hyperspace. "He didn't want to talk. I can't blame him."

Even if it hadn't been real, the knowledge of what he had done to his close friends, almost killing them, was enough to haunt y/n. The fact that he had turned to the Dark Side, if only momentarily, caused him to lapse into a bout of suffocating panic.

But worse than that, he could still remember what it was like to have all that power, the satisfaction he felt in asserting his control, the raw energy coursing through his veins. Closing his eyes, he hugged his knees and leant back against the cold metal wall.

Some time during the flight he had fallen asleep. When his eyes opened, he saw a familiar form silhouetted in the darkness.

"Master," he addressed, and tried to relax his tensed muscles.

"How are you, y/n?"

"Terrible. I...I'm sorry, Master. It's my fault that I didn't follow your orders. I shouldn't have come. I endangered you all, and the mission-"

She cut him off with a wave of her hand.

"There are lessons to be learnt from your experience and from visions like this, but that is for later."

He shook his head vehemently. "That's not what I mean, Aayla." There was something burning in the back of his throat and he tried to shift away from her, but only succeeded in pressing his spine even more uncomfortably against the metal.

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now