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Mace Windu had doubts about y/n.

The pure fact that he had been trained in the Dark Side before should have totally overruled the Council's decision to allow him into the Order.

Lightsabers were weapons. In the wrong hands, the balance would be broken. l/n had refused to turn his weapon into the common single blue or green blade. He had even refused to actually stop using his lightsaber. Windu suspected this meant that the strange boy never really let go of his Sith path.

Red. Blood, hate, destruction, chaos, violence, aggression, danger, passion. Although l/n hadn't made the crystal bleed, he had somehow turned the colourless creation of a pure kyber into one that glowed red.

True, he did go to Ilum and harvest his crystal, but that was only after his five years of Jedi training. There it was, another flaw.

A Human youngling was supposed to be located and brought into the Order and begin training by at least the age of three. Similar to Anakin Skywalker, another Jedi who Windu did not have positive feelings about, l/n was exempt from this rule. Windu had stated how strongly he disagreed, only to have been voted against by the majority of the Council.

The boy was strong, no doubts about that. But his ties to the Dark Side seemed too much a sign to be ignored.

The Jedi Master watched as the boy left the Council Chambers. His eyes remained on the spot that l/n had been standing at.

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