Chapter 61

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A day later, after they had finished a training session, y/n asked Ahsoka about another mission together. He wiped the sweat off his face and gave her a lopsided grin.

"Stripey, are you still interested in that Kasegna episode?"

She looked at him in surprise and quickly nodded. "Of course, how are they doing?"

"Kasegna is fine," y/n replied. "We have updates on the OSS, however. Chancellor Palpatine contacted me earlier today. The satellites use a unique power core design that can only come from one source. A notorious businessman named Astryx Lard sells them. He himself has a completely clean record, but it's no secret that his ties are illegal. Lard frequents the casino on Cato Bight. The Chancellor was asking if I was interested, so do you wanna check it out with me?"

Ahsoka faked an expression of uncertainty. "Well...I have was going to go meet up with Master Windu for a nice chat, and then walk my Doo fish, so I'm not too sure."

"How about if I throw you a package deal? Super handsome Jedi with some very nice muscles, plus an A-tier luxury ship, alone, with said handsome Jedi. Throw in undercover personas, and you have yourself an exciting journey, free of charge."

"Well, you make it sound tempting,"

Ahsoka gave him an innocent smile and walked past him out of the training room.

He grinned and rolled his eyes. "Meet you there in fifteen!"

K'ain and Sasha Contari stepped out of their elegant white transport, and immediately a parking valet took their luxury landspeeder away. Two of the bouncers stopped them at the massive entrance doors.

"You seem a little young. We'll need to see your identification, please."

K'ain and Sasha looked at each other and gave a laugh, then produced their badges. The bouncers took one look and hastily stepped back, spewing apologies and welcoming the two young notorious power brokers of the underworld into the Crescent Royal Casino.

The Contaris were seldom seen, working from the shadows to skew political status with their endless bank of riches. Only their closest business partners had ever met them in person.

Unknown to most of the galaxy, the two had recently been arrested for an illegal shipment of spice that hadn't been on their manifest; some unknown rival had set them up. Undercover Jedi had taken their place.

y/n wore a smart blue suit jacket with a white shirt underneath, the top few buttons undone, no tie. Ahsoka had on a similar outfit to her normal Jedi attire; leggings with a backless dress, but in a blue colour scheme that matched y/n's. Her clothes glittered with a perfect amount of sequins and jewels to show her glamour and elegance, but not enough to impact her movement.

The tall, golden doors of the gambling room swung open, revealing their two forms. Arm in arm, they casually strolled inside. The place was crowded with people of all different species and ages, and gazes turned hypnotically towards the elegantly dressed and attractive couple.

y/n smirked, and nearby, a young Arkanian woman fainted into her group of swooning friends. Ahsoka grinned, feeling the eyes on her, and whispered something into y/n's ear, drawing more attention.

"Funny how we're breaking the law by being in here underage."

The crowd seemed to have thought that she had whispered something witty or seductive to him, and he played along, giving a chuckle and turning his smirk to her.

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