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Hello there, just a little notice. Before-19 (this one) to Before-26 basically recounts the First Battle of Geonosis from Episode 2 Attack of the Clones. If you think the narrating is kinda boring, feel free to skip these chapters. And if you do think that the chapters are boring, please tell me so I can write better and appeal to more audiences!

Mace Windu crept through the orange sandstone passage, using the Force Concealment to hide his presence from the man he was supposed to find, interrogate, and kill if necessary.

The end of the passage came into view. At the opening, the Geonosian sun, threw a dim red light onto the previously dark tunnel.

The Jedi Master spotted his target and rested his hand cautiously on the hilt of his lightsaber, tucked in his earth coloured robes. The viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, and the company's senator, Lott Dod, were also present.

Count Dooku looked down upon the great sandy Petranaki arena and the three figures perched upon a ravenous reek from a balcony in the above the arena. A smile crept to his lips. He was going to enjoy this. Or so he thought.

Beside him, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett, recoiled as a shining purple lightsaber was suddenly ignited and thrusted at his throat. His son, Boba, looked at his father in alarm. The two Fett's last encounter with a Jedi had been a near death experience.

At Windu's left, Count Dooku turned, not surprised or shocked at the least.

"Master Windu," he said. There was no emotion behind the old man's words. "How pleasant of you to join us." He grinned.

"This party's over," Windu stated with an air of authority and a look so steady and challenging that Jango Fett fought his instinct to step back.

Around the arena, tens of other Jedi ignited their lightsabers, receiving the chain reaction from Windu's signal. Bright hues of blue and green were cast upon the dull orange land. Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, Luminara Unduli and Agen Kolar were only a few of the famous, skilled Jedi who were present.

From their position on top of the reek, in the centre of the vast arena, Padawan Anakin Skywalker, his master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Senator of Naboo Padmé Amidala gazed in awe at the allies who had suddenly appeared. A new wave of hope spread through them despite the circle of armed destroyer droids surrounding them.

Behind him, Anakin heard his master let out a chuckle of disbelief and joy. He could also sense Padmé's tense arms loosen against his waist, and he could tell she was beaming from ear to ear. Anakin felt his own face curve into a much-needed grin and clutched the reek's chains, which had served as reins, ready for a fight.

To Windu, Dooku said, "Brave. But...foolish, my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered."

"I don't think so."

"We'll see." He smirked.

Immediately, the Jedi heard heavy, loud, synchronised marching. There was a mechanical element to the sound, perhaps it was too squeaky, or the sound of whirring was distinguishable in the air; maybe the Jedi could simply sense it through the Force.

Whatever it was, it didn't sound good.

The first four machines appeared from the passage Windu had exited. They were large and broad-shouldered silver hulks with small, thin heads. Their strong yet thin torso and core held the entire thing upright. Each B2 super battle droid's right arm was extended, a laser gun attached and rapidly firing with small pew pews!

The small tunnel meant that only two droids could fit in with a large gap, allowing two other droids behind them to fire.

Windu turned instinctively and skillfully blocked the tide of red blaster bolts the machines fired at him.

Droids. Of course.

As Windu was fighting off the super battle droids, Jango Fett, who had stood still as a statue whilst the Jedi's purple lightsaber was centimetres away from severing his head, immediately leapt to action.

Dooku only watched as the bounty hunter released a torrent of deep red flames at Windu. The Jedi Knight avoided them just in time, but the tongues of the fire licked at Windu's cloak, and he had no option but to retreat from his tight, inconvenient position on the balcony overlooking the arena.

He jumped, using the Force to carry him, and tried to extinguish the flames on his cloak by rapidly patting the material, but to no avail. The fact that Jango was now firing at him didn't make this task any easier.

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