Chapter 50

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Holy Force this was actually so much fun to write lmaooo. Let me know what you think of the scene, I hope I made it juicy without being too steamy. Please leave a comment as always.

Also quick note: I updated Chapter 48 and Chapter 49 because I keep forgetting I gave y/n tattoos. They've been added as description and as a metaphor. Also added more substance to the first kiss scene in Chapter 49. If you have time and want to, feel free to give those two chappies another read. But it's optional, nothing major has changed.

He didn't remember the gaping hole in his chest, or the fever ravaging his body. The only thing that existed right now was him, and Ahsoka.

He was aware of the warmth of her body against his, the familiar presence of her so close to him, the beat of her heart. y/n acted on instinct, wrapping his arms around her, holding Ahsoka against him, not wanting a single inch of their skin to be apart. The edges of his mouth curled up slightly into a smile as his brain registered what was happening.

Holy Kriff, this was Ahsoka, and she was kissing him.

And he kissed her back, feeling the pressure of her against his lips, the taste of her mouth, the pure feeling of elation as it happened.

She pulled away and he felt a few tears land on his cheek. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was fierce, it was his first, and it was with her.

"I'm not leaving you here," she repeated in a whisper. He still held her, one arm wrapped around her waist, feeling the bare skin from the open back of the dress. The other moved to her face and wiped away the silent stream of tears.

"I don't want you to leave anymore," y/n replied, and their lips met again. Her hands moved to pull him closer, one against the back of his head, the other cupping his face.

This time it was more passionate, deeper, harder.

Every moment was culminating into that one kiss. Every second of them being apart, of their longing, their unsurety. Every time they had fought to keep their emotions down now exploded and was reflected in the intensity of their lips together.

This was it. It was all that both of them had dared to dream of, finally coming true.

There was supposed to be no love, no passion in the Jedi Code. Yet between y/n and Ahsoka it was just that.

Their bodies pressed together. Sitting there, his back was against the cold steel wall, a contrast to the warmth of her smooth skin leaning against his. Ahsoka had her legs wrapped around him, her arms pulling him close. y/n gripped her tight, never wanting to let go.

His nerves felt on fire, his pain washed away and replaced entirely with a blossoming emotion in his heart that spread all through his body. It was the most intense feeling he had ever felt, and Holy Force it felt good.

Ahsoka gripped him as if the world was going to end, as if y/n was the only stable thing that anchored her to this world. She wanted more of him, of them.

With a small shuddering sigh, they both broke apart, breaths tickling each other's noses.

He opened his eyes, not realising he had closed them, and just simply stared into Ahsoka's. Her storm blue gaze sent a shiver down his spine and he fought the urge to kiss her again.

She was so beautiful. So perfect.

In the slowly dimming light, her fingers spread electricity through his face as she gently traced the snaking white scar. He smiled, leaning into her touch, and ran his own fingers along her white facial markings, then up to her lekku.

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