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The workbenches were littered with small parts of machinery and larger lightsaber sections.

There was a clatter and a crash as y/n's lightsaber pieces fell back onto the table. He groaned irritably and buried his head in his hands.

"Concentrate, kid. Focus the Force. You'll know – no, you'll feel what to do. Stop using your brain and start using your heart," Master Vos said encouragingly, putting a hand on the youngling's shoulder. y/n sighed and lifted his head. "I know, Master Vos, and thank you. Putting together a regular lightsaber is hard enough already, but a double-bladed lightsaber with two old crystals and one new one? That's more than just double trouble. My older model was...simple."

"Woah, hold on there, young man," Huyang remarked and moved over to him. "Nothing is simple. Everyone tries, everyone fails." "But Master Yoda always said 'No! Try not. Do or do not, there is no try,'" y/n told him glumly, not even bothering to mimic his gravelly voice as he usually would have done. "Simplicity is an illusion of the mind, something we droids don't possess," Huyang continued, ignoring what y/n had just said. "Therefore, we have to measure our work not by simplicity, but by the result. Sometimes, you must think like a droid," Huyang said matter-of-factly. y/n nodded and picked up the parts again. It was almost painful to see his lightsaber in pieces. Letting himself breathe, he concentrated again. It could have been the mindset that was causing him problems.

There was a satisfying click beside him. Ahsoka nudged y/n, a large smile was plastered on the young Togruta's face. "Check it out! I think I did it!" she exclaimed ecstatically. Huyang appeared at the end of their worktable. She handed him her newly constructed Jedi weapon to the droid for inspection. Huyang already had his magnifying monocle over one eye.

He twisted the lightsaber and pulled it open, revealing part of the inside and the green kyber crystal within. "Hmm...yes. Good, good," he mused approvingly. Huyang finished examining and returned the lightsaber to its owner. "Well done, Ahsoka Tano. You are the first to have constructed a lightsaber in your Clan. Your work and efforts are commendable." y/n grinned at her. "Oh, 'Soka!" he said dramatically. "I'm so...proud of you!" he began to fake weeping in joy and wiped imaginary tears from his eyes. She laughed and rolled her eyes before leaning over to his half of the bench.

"So, how are you going, n/n?" The Togruta immediately caught sight of the barely assembled pieces, and coughed politely. The rest of the Clan had already made some progress compared to him. "Hey, it's okay. You'll get it eventually."

y/n did get it. Eventually. The fact that his clanmates had finished constructing their lightsabers did not make him any more assured of his own abilities. Now, everyone including Master Vos and Huyang were clustered around his workbench. Nevertheless, he closed his eyes and concentrated. y/n felt himself picking up each individual piece. They floated about in the air for a while, messy and unorganised, before he slowly began to arrange them into a straight vertical line.

The boy could tell which crystals were his previous red ones, and which one was his Ilum crystal. Then, slowly and carefully, he levitated them into position in between the appropriate crystal chambers.

He tinkered around with the pieces, swapping the inverter with the cycling field energisers, placed the energy coil within its conducting field and slowly aligned the tiny bolts and screws. It was almost impossible to pick up and suspend so many items and move parts whilst keeping other pieces still. It took everything to keep all the bits in place whilst fitting them together.

y/n braced himself for failure, for the lightsaber pieces to fall back onto the workbench for the hundredth time. But that didn't happen. Instead, he felt warmth, contentment and satisfaction fill his body. Opening his eyes, he saw his new, double-bladed lightsaber floating in front of him. Cheers erupted from his friends, Master Vos laughed and slapped y/n on the back and Huyang clapped appreciatively. "Would you look at that beauty," the droid professor complimented. "Of all the double-bladed lightsabers of which I've overseen the construction, yours is undoubtedly the most elegant." There was genuine sincerity when the Huyang spoke.

"Go on, y/n, fire it up for us!" Ahsoka chided. Everyone agreed unanimously. y/n grinned and his lightsaber ignited with a whoosh.

One side, blue. The other, red. 

"I call it...the Balancer."

Guys...I just discovered a Star Wars canon character named Cal Kestis. 

Mr Cal has red hair, a scar on his face, a double bladed lightsaber, and fell in a pit of water to retrieve his kyber crystal. 

I did not plan to mimic Cal's character, I've made up everything about y/n on my own and somehow it just is parallel to Cal's.

So sorry to those people who have realised this earlier :(

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