Chapter 27

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Okay, I'm actually pretty proud of this chappie. There's a lot of fOrEsHaDoWiNg...*evil laughter* Also thanks so much for more than 21k reads! I love y'all

Ignoring the pain, y/n extended an arm and pulled his hilt towards him with the Force, rising to his feet. Once more he ignited his blades, like a signal to Ahsoka that he was alright.

The light cast from their weapons illuminated the alleyway slightly, enough for them to make out the outlines of the three bounty hunters.

"I feel sorry for the people who have to work with you," the Togruta scoffed casually at Aurra, her voice echoing through towards them as she walked closer. "They have to deal with your selfish personality, ruthlessness, superiority..."

"You're one to talk," Bon growled back, their voice slightly softer and less powerful from last. They must have been in great pain, Ahsoka observed, though that would make it easier if they were forced to fight. Which, they probably would. "Count Dooku will have your head, Togruta!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, totally," y/n grunted as he slowly stepped closer towards the bounty hunters, weighing his lightsaber in his left hand to get used to it. He winced as pain flooded his right arm, seeing the burnt fabric and seared flesh underneath, but chose to ignore it. The wound wasn't serious, and besides, there were more important things to pay attention to.

IG raised his blaster rifle and Aurra had hers aimed at y/n as he advanced. From behind them Ahsoka did the same, slowly closing the gap.

"You'll regret this later!" Aurra declared as she suddenly whipped around and fired a volley of shots at the Togruta, but Ahsoka ducked and ricocheted the blaster bolts.

And then the bounty hunter was rushing at y/n, a red lightsaber in one hand, a blaster in the other. Paired with her unnaturally pale skin, scarlet outfit and murderous, enraged expression, Aurra almost looked like a Sith. The exception was how she fought.

Their red blades clashed with a deep, resonant hum. The young Jedi felt his arm buckle and then give away. Rarely did any double-bladed user fight one handed, and although he trained with a single lightsaber from time to time, he had never really perfected the skill, and his arms were weak. The alleyway was also too narrow for him to properly use hand to hand combat, and anyways, one limb was wounded.

y/n was half aware of Ahsoka fighting the droid and an injured Bon, the latter which laid on the floor, firing blaster bolts at every chance.

Aurra's strikes were more bite – powerful and relentless – rather than skilful and calculated. He twisted out of the way of her hungry blade as her momentum carried her forward. Dropping down, he stuck out his foot and to sweep the bounty hunter's leg, but she leapt over.

Running onto a wall, she jumped off to send a spinning kick to y/n's chest. He barely had time to leap out of the way, not having expected Aurra to be this fast and acrobatic. Feigning a slice to her shoulder, he then flipped and sent a strike down that would have decapitated her if she hadn't ducked.

When he landed, she was ready, already charging at him with her lightsaber pointed straight at his head.

"You'll die!" Aurra roared, sending a tide of strikes at him with immense strength. y/n was almost permanently on the defensive now, barely holding against her attacks with his weaker arm. He used a Force push to break some of the distance between them, before immediately going in with a hurricane kick that met her arm. Aurra recovered quickly and sliced her lightsaber at his head.

"Kriff it, lady! You need some duct tape over your mouth!" y/n grunted as their blades met in a lightsaber lock. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face. He felt Aurra's foot clash painfully against his groin, but took the chance to twist his lightsaber so that the other half cut her thigh. She hissed, but it was more anger than pain.

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