Chapter 55

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The river gurgled past quietly.

Their footsteps sounded softly on the wooden boardwalk. y/n and Ahsoka ambled languidly along the shaded forest trail, following the path of the small river as it twisted gently through the Naboo landscape.

The walkway was wide, yet they stayed side by side, shoulders occasionally brushing. Ahsoka's fingers reached for y/n's, hungry for his touch. He grabbed her hand firmly, feeling her slender fingers entwine with his.

They simply strolled along the boardwalk, enjoying each other's company. y/n's emotions after the battle had gradually settled as nature and Ahsoka replaced the scream of missiles and blaster bolts. He cast a sideways look at her, but she noticed and gave him a smirk that almost made him freeze in his tracks.

Ahsoka was his rock; She anchored him down when his head was spinning. Words couldn't express how grateful he felt for all the years of friendship and support that she had given.

Instead, he kissed her. y/n pivoted and stepped in front of Ahsoka's tracks so that she collided with him. Instinctively their bodies pressed together, lips hovering millimetres apart, teasingly close yet achingly far.

They wondered what they had done for the Force to bless them with each other.

Ahsoka leaned in and bridged the gap, melting against y/n as he kissed her back. She could feel his lips curl into a soft smile whilst one arm wrapped around her, the other still holding her hand. His fingers found the backless dress and exposed skin, his touch warm but sending shivers down her spine. Ahsoka grasped his collar and tried to pull him closer, but there was already no distance between them.

They broke the kiss gently but still staying close. Her breath tickled his skin.

"You know, I felt lost until you gave me the map to your heart," y/n said.

Ahsoka laughed and gave a snort. "That was really cringey."

"It's true," he protested. "Everything feels so much easier with you."

She stood there for a few seconds, unresponsive, but still pressed against him. Then she walked towards the edge of the boardwalk, gently pulling him along, and sat down. He sat beside her, the two dangling their legs, hands still in each other's. The river ran lazily before them, occasionally spraying small droplets of cold water on their clothes.

"Can I ask you something?" Ahsoka said finally, her eyes on a colourful Doo fish in the water, before turning to him.

"You just did," he grinned back.

"You know what I mean," she rolled her eyes, punching his shoulder with her free hand. He watched her, smirking, and Ahsoka suddenly remembered him saying how he loved it when she rolled her eyes. She looked back at the fish to hide her blush that was rising to her cheeks.

"Back on that cliff," she murmured, "you said you wouldn't let anyone else fall."

He gave an almost wistful smile and answered slowly. "Yeah. Not after what happened on Onderon."

"I'm sorry about that," Ahsoka said softly, then paused. "Can we talk about it?"

He squeezed her hand in reply.

She took a deep breath, and for the first time in a long time, allowed herself to reopen the wound. But now, it didn't hurt as much, knowing that y/n was hers. "I'm sorry for being such a selfish idiot. I'm sorry for pushing you away and taking our friendship for granted. I'm sorry for blaming you when you were just doing your job. And I'm sorry that I hurt you."

She tried not to dwell on the memories, but they kept coming back, one after the other. "Holy Force. I can't believe I did that to you." Ahsoka leant on him and buried her head against his chest, feeling the muscle underneath his tunic. She felt his arm wrap around her shoulder, pulling her close. The slightest trace of pain filled the Force around them.

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