Chapter 6

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Kinda important!!!! Before, this story was Ahsoka x OC and I just changed the OC's name to y/n. So...somewhere in the story it's mentioned that y/n has a scar on his face and other cool features lol. Anyways the scar is mentioned again in this chapter so see if you want me to change it...again thanks for reading! 

Ahsoka had given up on trying to locate y/n. She decided it was a red herring.

There were thousands of Jedi at the Temple, perhaps even tens of thousands. As unlikely and almost impossible as it was, she chided herself to believe that this 'y/n l/n' was not the Human, sixteen-year old with h/c hair and a scar and a knowing smirk that had been her best friend. No, maybe the 'y/n l/n' was a Arkanian with snow white hair who always looked depressed and melancholy.

That made her feel a little better.

After evening mealtime, Ahsoka spent a while in the sparring arena practising with her lightsabers and meditated.

She balanced on her head in a handstand upon a large pillar in the centre of a room whilst flying practice droids fired rounds on her. The low-intensity blaster bolts stung and sometimes threw her a little off balance, but that was the point. Ahsoka's task was to remain in a handstand for as long as possible without falling or being deterred by the droids. It was a lesson of concentration, muscular endurance, and perseverance.

The Togruta probably could have kept going like this for the whole night, but she decided that it was time for bed.

Dark silhouettes were visible through the windows, specks of light from the skyscrapers dotting the landscape. The Coruscant sky was dyed a deep purple, the clouds a soft pink.

After all, the best thing about coming back to the Jedi Temple was being able to catch a good night's sleep. On the battlefield or on missions with Anakin, every second asleep was with one eye open, ready to jump up and fight at any second. Ahsoka could finally relax.

Stifling a yawn, she opened her eyes. The Togruta easily did a backwards flip and landed on the pillar on her feet, not a tiny bit unbalanced. Stretching and rolling her shoulders, Ahsoka dodged the volley of blaster bolts before leaping from one droid to the next, using the machines as if they were steps on a staircase. She landed soundlessly on the ground in a crouch and pressed the button, located on the side of the pillar to turn off the training droids.

But the danger was not over yet. The machines, previously whizzing around and hovering in mid-air, were now crashing down onto the floor, threatening to hit Ahsoka if she wasn't careful. Despite the number of droids, she darted between them all, as swift as a cruiser in hyperspace.

She dusted off her hands approvingly, gazing satisfied at the many round droids that littered the ground. Pressing another button, the floor opened up accordingly under each machine and closed, neatly packing the training machines away, ready for the next user.

Ahsoka strolled out of the room and ambled slowly through the hallways and corridors.

It was so quiet now. There was none of that cheery atmosphere and bright happy faces that was present when she was a youngling. The mood was...grown up. Sincere. Sombre, almost. Perhaps it was just because her experiences had matured her and given her a new look on everything. Maybe the Temple seemed the same as her previous carefree perspective if a youngling was observing. If she rose to the rank of Jedi Master, then her notions would most likely have changed again.

Things have a different outlook as one grew, Ahsoka thought. Or maybe it was the environment. The war had evolved her. It could be the dire circumstances that she was under in the current times that caused Ahsoka to have a less naïve and candid outlook.

She shook her head and frowned slightly. She didn't like it when she got philosophical and profound. That usually was a sure sign that Ahsoka needed to rest.

Rest and sleep and relaxation was exactly where the Togruta was headed.

Ahsoka arrived, yawning again, at the dormitory level.

A carpeted corridor stretched out in front of her. On one side, tall doors were set at equal intervals, accompanied by floor to ceiling pillars. On the other, huge windows looked out at the rest of the Jedi Temple and the Coruscant landscape.

It felt good to be alone and away from the battlefields, Ahsoka admitted. Sometimes she took things for granted, was too into the fighting.

Her boots scuffed the maroon carpet. It felt odd not to have hard dusty ground or lush green grass under her feet. For once she didn't have to creep silently through the undergrowth or perform hand signals at every turn to alert her troops. Ahsoka was at peace.

Soon, she arrived in front of her chambers.

Her hand reached for the keypad next to the door,felt its smooth metal buttons, felt the coolness of the material sink into herskin...she was entering her number code, and then...

"Hello there, Stripey."

Remember who that is? And lol I'm so excited the upload the new chapters!

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