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edit: tiny changes in sentence structure etc

"Where are they?" Master Vos grunted. His voice was disguised as irritation, but laced with concern and worry.

Master Yoda said nothing and continued gazing at the freezing waterfall. There was only a metre left before the entire structure was frozen, closing the gateway to the Caves.

Clustered around the two Jedi were the members of the Raxshir Clan those who had made their way out already. The only missing youngling members were y/n and Ahsoka.

The two had a reputation for being mischievous and being tardy, but Master Yoda doubted that they would continue these escapades in a serious test where expulsion from the Order was possible.

The green creature merely reached into the Force. He could feel the two: the Human and the Togruta.

"Safe, they are. Make it out soon, they must."

I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now