Chapter 45

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wow. you guys. legends. 141k reads???? never thought i'd even get 1k. let's gooooo thanks y'all, hope you're enjoying. please vote and post, i love reading all your comments it's so great. apologies once more for my upload schedule, but i'm trying for 2 chappies per month. anyways, read on, my friendos.

As Ahsoka finally collected her scrambled thoughts and stepped out of the containment room, she was met with two lightsabers flying towards her. Her senses allowed her to detect them and catch before they slammed into her head.

A few paces in front of her, R2 beeped and closed the compartment in which it had stored her weapons.

"Thanks Artoo," she smiled, clipping her lightsabers back onto her belt.

"Alright, so now Hexa obviously knows we've escaped, and she's probably connected to her weird droid hive mind. We need to get out as fast as possible," y/n said.

As if on cue, flashing red lights and a droning siren began to flash and sound across the ship.

"Yeah, thanks Captain Handsome," Trios rolled her eyes, substituting 'handsome' for 'obvious'.

"I've got my shuttle attached to the garbage airlock," he continued, pretending not to hear her but with a small smirk pulling at his lips.

"Sounds fitting for you," Ahsoka grinned, trying to reignite some of their old banter.

"Well, you're coming with me, so join the club," y/n replied.

"We're in their ship and trying to escape. Shouldn't we seize the chance and blow the Separatists into bits? Or at least destroy something valuable so that their comms or weapons won't be valuable in the next attack they launch?" Trios suggested.

"That's great and all, but our first priority is escaping before they capture us again," the Togruta replied, then turned to y/n. "What's the fastest way around the ship?"

"Hold on," he scratched his scar and paused for a moment. "We can get off, quick, and also blow up this kriffnut."

Trios perked up. "Oh, you're a genius."

"What? What are you gonna do..." asked Ahsoka.

But y/n and Trios had already broke into a run.

Chasing after them, she and R2 were fast on their heels, racing through passageways all illuminated with a red glow from the flashing sirens. She couldn't help but notice how the light reflected off y/n's h/c hair.

They came to a stop, where the passageway spilt out into a massive, cavernous room. There were platforms on either side, stretching out into two yawning tunnels on either end. A system of railjet tracks crisscrossed the room.

"So this was your plan?" Ahsoka asked, slightly unimpressed. Then she spotted massive cargo-like containers stacked against the walls. From time to time a patrol of droids would march past, whilst other squadrons held their blasters at ready and boarded the railjets.

"They're looking for us," Trios whispered as they watched the scene from behind the cover of the passageway.

"Alright, let's act fast. Here's the full plan," y/n announced, glancing at Ahsoka. "For the record, my plans are great." He noticed the lightsabers on the Togruta's belt and paused.

"Bluey, where's mine?"

In response, the astromech whirred aggressively, almost with a hint of anger, and launched y/n's lightsaber at him, narrowly missing his nose. R2 then held out a blaster towards Trios in a more friendly fashion.

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