Chapter 3

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Coruscant was a glittering, glowing speck of a planet from her view onboard the cruiser. The purplish planet was dotted over with golden patterns of lights. Two Republican cruisers emerged out of space behind them.

Ahsoka hadn't realised just how much she had missed the planet. The towering, bleak grey towers jutting into the equally boring and dull sky, the hundreds of underworld levels crawling with crime, the important, tactical-looking clone barracks, and most of all, the huge, imposing structure of the Jedi Temple.

She was glad to be home. She just had to wait to be deployed down on a gunship and arrive at the Temple.

"Happy to be back?" Anakin chuckled from behind her. The Togruta turned away from the window and smiled at her Master.

"Yes Master. I'm taking that you're looking forward to seeing a certain person too...?" she grinned back. Anakin flinched slightly but his contented expression did not change. Ahsoka knew that there was some chemistry between her Master and Padmé Amidala. She wouldn't be surprised if Anakin was having a relationship with the young Naboo Senator, in fact she was almost completely sure of it. 

Padmé was kind, caring, supportive, dedicated to bringing joy to others' lives, and attractive. She had been like a mother to Ahsoka on many occasions, and both were happy to confide in each other.

"Uhh...yeah! Obi-Wan! I haven't seen him since he grew his hair back after being disguised as Rako Hardeen!" he said awkwardly. Ahsoka smirked at him.

"General!" Rex called. "The gunships are ready for boarding. Awaiting orders, sir!"

"Thanks, Rex," Anakin said. He seemed to be thanking the soldier not just for the update, but for saving him from the continuation of their conversation.

"Are you coming with us this time?" Ahsoka asked the clone trooper.

He nodded. "We won't have long though. Commander Bly of the 327th Star Corps is going to contact me during our descent to Coruscant City. Me and a squad of soldiers are to meet him straight after, Commander Tano." he told her. "Is there anything you need?"

Ahsoka shook her head. "That's alright. Thanks Rex."

A few minutes later, she, Anakin and a small group of clones were flying down to the Jedi Temple via gunships.

"Sir, we have an incoming transmission from the 327th!" The pilot reported to Rex. "Transferring transmission to your wristcom, sir!"

"Captain Rex of the 501st Battalion." Rex answered.

"Commander Bly, 327th."

"Good to see you, sir!"

"You too, brother. Now let's get to business."

"I agree."

"General Aayla Secura will leading a small squad of ARC troopers from both battalions. We request the 501th  to send ten of their best men. It will be a top-secret stealth mission to a system that I cannot currently tell you about. You and your troops will be briefed at the army base. We expect you today at 1315."

"Yes sir, understood sir. Any Jedi?"

"Yes Rex. General Secura requests General Skywalker."

"What about Commander Ahsoka Tano and General Secura's Padawan?"

"No. Commander Tano and Captain l/n will remain at the Jedi Temple..."

l/n. y/n l/n.

Without realising, Ahsoka had rushed over to Rex and was speaking into the clone's wrist link.

"Is the Captain...y/n l/n?"

Commander Bly paused, confused at the sudden change of people.

"Uh, yes sir. He is General Secura's apprentice."

Rex shot her a quizzical look and turned back to his comms. Embarrassed, Ahsoka made her way back to her previous spot next to Anakin.

"You alright? Who's this y/n l/n person?" Her Master asked, chuckling slightly.

Ahsoka couldn't contain the smile on her face.

"y/n l/n was my best friend when we were younglings. I didn't know Master Secura was his Master, even though we've worked with her many times," she said breathlessly. "y/n and I...we haven't seen each other for two years."

Even better, Commander Bly had said he was going to be at the Temple. Reunion was on the way. Ahsoka couldn't wait to see her friend again. She was bursting with newfound energy and her eyes gleamed.

The Jedi Temple loomed above them as the gunship flew to the nearest hangar. Its sandstone grey walls, five towering pillars and huge structure easily made it one of the most magnificent and gigantic buildings in Coruscant.

"Alright Snips, have fun finding your friend. Rex and I are going to meet General Secura," Anakin informed her as the vehicle touched down.

Usually, the Togruta would be disappointed if she was not accompanying her Master on an expedition, he always got himself into trouble that Ahsoka had to pull him out of. Plus, both Master and Apprentice had agreed that she learned more on the field instead of at the Temple.

But today, today was different. Good different. She barely heard Anakin's words before she rushed off into the temple.

Rex laughed. "Always changing, isn't she?"

"Yeah," the Jedi grumbled back. "Mostly she pleads to come with us and says goodbye. Now look at Ahsoka."

"We better get going, General," Rex turned, still smiling slightly, and patted Anakin on the shoulder. "Arrival is scheduled at 1315."

You shall learn why y/n is a Captain later...

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