Chapter 20

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edit: changed keyne to l/n

y/n arrived at the ship feeling flustered.

Kasha just kissed him. On the cheek, yes, but still it was a huge sign of affection. He didn't know what he felt, after all, Jedi weren't allowed attachments, but then again y/n wasn't entirely sure he even liked Kasha romantically. He probably wouldn't see the Twi'lek ever again.

"Hey! What took you so long?" Ahsoka's voice called. y/n turned and grinned at her, still blushing.

"I...uh, got held up," he said sheepishly.

She crossed her arms. "Are you blushing? And what's that box? Come on, spit it out."

He was hesitant on if he could tell her, it felt like a moment between just him and Kasha. But Ahsoka was his best friend.

y/n fidgeted with the hem of his tunic and waited for a few clones to pass before he whispered, "Kasha kissed me on the cheek."

Ahsoka smirked at him and without saying anything turned on her heel and walked briskly up the boarding ramp.

"Hey! Wait! No, don't tell anyone..." y/n rushed up into the ship as well before she could inform the entire galaxy. "Come on, I don't even like her that way!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell, I promise," The Togruta grinned. "But be prepared for me to tease you for the rest of your life."

He sighed and was about to say something, but just then a platoon of soldiers marched through the hallway. When they passed, Ahsoka had already disappeared.

y/n found her in the bridge with Aayla and Anakin when the shuttle was preparing to take off. She turned towards him and grinning, mouthed Kasha. He was relieved to see that the Togruta's expression was teasing, she wasn't going to tell anyone or report him to the Council. But they wouldn't kick him out anyways.

y/n realised that there was no romanticrelationship between him and the Twi'lek, the kiss was a one-sided symbol ofher gratitude and emotions.

He shook his head to clear the thoughts and walked towards the trio.

"Hey y/n. You're late," Aayla said good-naturedly.

"Sorry Master," he bowed his head apologetically. "Are we going back to Coruscant now?" He asked as one of the clones operated the landing controls and lifted the vessel off the ground. He spotted a few Twi'leks waving goodbye and smiling at them. He saluted at them whilst Anakin and Aayla smiled back, and Ahsoka waved back.

"Yes we are, at least that's the plan," Aayla nodded. "Now, as usual, that's a mission finished and a lesson learnt." She waited for y/n's response.

At Ahsoka's confused look, he turned to her and explained what the Twi'lek Jedi had meant.

"Master Secura and I have uh, reflections after each mission. The aim is for me to recognise what I have learnt and appreciate. Basically we brainstorm something that we have found out about each other, the people, the planet, or how our thinking and understanding have changed after the mission."

"Ah." She nodded. "That's smart. Anakin why don't you think of this type of stuff?"

Ahsoka's Master snorted. "That's because I'm always busy keeping you in check," he retorted playfully. "But yes, it is a good idea."

"Well, off you go. Report your thinking back to me here in half a standard hour," Aayla waved her hand to signal that they could go. The Padawans and Masters nodded before y/n led the Togruta to the barracks.

"What do you think?" He asked as he leapt onto his bunk, which was below Ahsoka's. "We could always talk about how amazing I am."

"Yeah, the thing is that you're so modest about it I never realised!" she joked sarcastically and crossed her arms. "I don't get how this reflection thing works. Could you give me an example? Perhaps an earlier mission?"

He nodded and patted his mattress, putting on a face. "You better sit down. I am going to tell you of my awesome adventures and analyse what I learnt, which just happens to be how I'm the best Jedi in the galaxy."

"Spare me the details, please."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Oh, shut up y/n."

He grinned and cleared his throat. "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...there lived an amazing Human Jedi named y/n l/n-ow!"

Ahsoka raised her eyebrows and raised her hand threateningly to punch his shoulder again.

"Okay, fine." He raised his hands in surrender and groaned. "You're no fun."

"Mister l/n, Master Secura would not be pleased with your behaviour. Now please get on with the example before I smother you in blankets."

"When I was first apprenticed, one of the first missions I went to was on Cato Neimoidia – I'll spare the details because obviously you don't seem keen on them – but basically I was stupid and got captured. My Master eventually saved me, but that day I had learnt a very important lesson that I still value and remember today."

He took a breath and continued. "In life we're like links in a chain. If one breaks it ruins everything. I look at all my missions and decisions as something bigger than myself, because it really is. And I know I can't fail because if I do it will impact everything that shouldn't have been impacted."

Ahsoka didn't talk during the pause, as she felt like he had more to say. She was right.

"There is another way we can look at this question as well, something we have learnt from working together. For example, on Umbara once I got shot and she was really worried about me. I found that Master isn't like most Jedi, or Windu at least. She cares about me, and I'm glad for that."

The Togruta smiled, surprised, and said, "Well that was a big change in attitude. You just went really serious all of a sudden."

y/n shrugged. "Yes, Aayla has that sort of effect on me. Do you understand what we have to do now?" She nodded in reply.

"What stuck deep with me was your connection with Alla," he began.
"And yours with Kasha," Ahsoka teased and chuckled, slightly proud and embarrassed that her friend had picked that up. "But yes. It was interesting going on a mission together after all two years of not meeting."

"Very," he nodded and lay down on the bed, looking up at the bottom of Ahsoka's bedframe. y/n traced his finger on the cold steel wall. He thought they were probably in hyperspace now, and around fifteen minutes had passed. "Seeing you help others was the best part," he said, and then realised how cheesy that sounded. "I mean...the locals had a lot of help from me too..." he laughed and rolled over to face the Togruta.

"You really get under my skin sometimes," she murmured irritably.

"I just need to learn some...wait I've got it! I know what we've learnt. And this time I'm serious," y/n grinned. "Come, let's go back to the main bridge, I'll tell you on the way."

He pulled her up and walked excitedly out of the barracks.

"The new thing here that we've learnt," Ahsoka said slowly, looking at y/n. She found it quite cringey and silly, but she didn't have a better idea. He smirked at her. "Is respect. We've rekindled our friendship after two years, and this is our first mission together in a long time. y/n and I have seen each other in action and helping others, earning respect and appreciation. Umm. Yeah..." she trailed off and saw Anakin's amused face.

Aayla smiled and chuckled. "All right. Fair enough. Good work, you two. I sense we'll see each other in many missions in the future."

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