Thx + Shoutouts + Other Stuff 2

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Once again, thank you all so much for reading my story, especially those who keep coming back week after week, no matter how terrible my writing is. I seriously can't believe it-3.6K already! Please share the story if you are enjoying, vote on your favourite chapters and add it to your reading lists! You guys rock.

Now that's done, let's get to the shoutouts!

Fives01 for voting and commenting

Greenwizard23 for commenting

CommanderMonnk for voting and commenting

DekuroEchevalier7 for commenting

DDloremaster for voting and commenting

Jose_Mercer for adding my story to your reading list

smithjame21 for adding my story to your reading list

Xmaniac for adding my story to your reading list

odini210 for following me and voting

Spartan-205 for commenting

Ahsoka1708 for voting

TanmayMalik0 for voting and following me

Mauiney2006 for adding my story to your reading list

Zylsans for adding my story to your reading list

CT7549 for adding my story to your reading list

CsillaFogarasi7 for voting

DavionneSmith2 for voting

MrGrizBear for adding my story to your reading list

Chocoreta99 for adding my story to your reading list

And that's it for now! To be mentioned on the next shoutout post, make sure you either follow me, comment on the story (hopefully it's positive but of course constructive feedback is welcome) or vote! Mwhahaha bribery...

The next chapter will come out Monday 8th Febuary 2021! See you then!

-Star Wars Freak

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