Chapter 70- Happy Birthday

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The days went on as Nikolai worked out what we were going to do. He didn't know that while he was making arrangements for Amsterdam that I was planning something else.

Winter and I walked with a wheelbarrow around the parameter of pack boarders. Winter groaning and lugging around the wheel barrow as I loaded large rocks into it.

"Why are you collecting all these damn boulders?" She asks.

"It's for a small project I'm kinda in the middle of." I say as I toss another fat rock into the wheelbarrow.

"Can I ask what it is?" She says as we both work to bring the wheelbarrow to the spot I chose.

"Could you stomach the details or would you rather wait and see the finished project?" I ask humorously.

"I'm always in for a good show!" Winter laughs with me.

We make it to the bluffs. The cliff side overlooking wide evergreen fields that stretch out into the distance. The view of the sunset was damn near perfect.

The sky painted with a blood red that faded into a serene purple, the sun blazing orange and bidding us goodbye as it sinks behind the horizon.

"I've lived a long life, but I don't think I appreciate sunsets as much as I should." Winter muses and I look to see her smiling at the fading light of the sun.

"I understand the second part of that." I say smirking. I get to putting the rocks together. Hauling the bigger ones out and beginning to stack them. Winter watching as she fans herself. Holding her bubblegum pink hair out of her sweaty face.

Just then the first snow begins to fall, the biting chill of the air hadn't bothered us at all until now.

"Ok, my wings are not made for frigid weather. I'm heading home." She leans in giving me a peck on the lips before turning and walking off.

"Be safe." I call out after her, before continuing with my work. It's late into the night when I finally finish. The stone stacked up high making a small stage. In the center stood a long trunk of a dead tree that still has some strength to it.

It was ready.

Watching the snow fall around me as it collected on the stacked rocks, I began thinking of how exactly this would go, and who I would make watch.

I did have a few people in mind.

My thoughts are interrupted as my phone goes off in my back pocket. Looking to the screen I see Natasha's name pop up. I answer and put the phone on speaker.

"You've been remarkably absent for the last few days. What happened to you?" I ask.

"Sorry, I was giving myself some time. Went to Milan, and Poland, did a lot of shopping. And I bought some stuff for you!"

"You bought me...what? Why?" I ask confusion lacing in my voice. Natasha laughs and insists that I get over to her house soon. Hanging up not leaving any room to argue, I sigh.

Heading home first to shower and change out of my dirty clothes. I brush my hair into submission, pulling it into a neat single dutch braid at the back of my head. Putting on a blue see through crop top, and black sweatpants, I stomp into my boots and head out.

Natasha sat waiting for me in the gazebo by the time I got there. Her eyes widening at the shirt I was wearing.

"They're breasts not bombs, you got a pair yourself." I say gesturing to her chest. Her face turns red and she looks away as I sit down. "Alright, what's up?"

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