Chapter 4- Invasion of the Plutocrats

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"Mom! Mom!" Layla's voice screeched through the house pulling me out of a dreamless sleep.

Looking at the clock, it was five minutes before I had to actually get up. I groan flopping back down to the bed as my ears listened in on their conversation.

"Mom, the lycans are teaching at that university, Neoma Archway! It's just fifty minutes from here!" Layla says and my father groans at the noise.

"Layla they are teaching at a school you got rejected from." My mother interjects.

"But what if I snuck on campus and met one of them?"

"Neoma Archway, is a fortress of security, the only way you're getting in is if you go to the school." Cody's voice joins in on the conversation.

Stripping out of my clothes I head into the shower. Noticing the rain hasn't let up once and the sky is still a gloomy shade of dark grey.

I honestly live for weather like this.

Shoving out their conversation as I scrub my body clean. Removing the bandage and taking a look at my scraped knee, it healed pretty nicely.

No longer bleeding, and a pink layer of flesh covering it.

Brushing my teeth and washing my face I get ready for the day. Braiding jet black hair back into two braids, I get dressed.

Choosing baggy army green pants, I shrug on a white tank top that showed the outline of my black bra too well. I threw on a short sleeve black button up to cover up.

Shrugging on rain proof black combat boots I grab my coat and bag heading out. Circling around the house and ducking my head to not be noticed, I quickly climb in my car and speed off.

Finally having the mind to check the time I noticed that I was about to be late for my first period.

Needless to say, I'm happy I didn't get a speeding ticket.

Swerving into the parking lot and landing perfectly in a parking space, I thank past mistakes for my unique skill set.

Jumping our of the car with only a minute to get to class, I froze as I saw the back of Professor Leslie entering the building.

Fuck! I dart around the side of the building as I mind link Hal.

"Hal are you in class right now?"

"Yeah where are you?"

"Too slow morning, and not enough time to explain, but Leslie's about to come in and I need you to open the back window for me."

"Okay, gotcha."

Moving the hood back as I move under Professor Leslie's window. I groan as I jump up grabbing the ledge. Moving along with wall with feline bearings, my claws extending out for extra grip.

Leaping up the side of the building with finesse. Having done this meant times as I see old claw marks from before. I've been late too many times.

Jumping up again and grasping the ledge just under Professor Leslie's window. I haul myself up slapping the window with my hand.

In an instant Hal opens it and grabs me up and pulling me in.

"Oh my god!" I gasp as I haul myself in and fall to the floor. "He's coming, help me up!"

Hal pulls me up with a hard tug and ignoring the bizarre looks of my other classmates, we rush to our seats. Me dripping wet and looking like a drowned rat.

"What in the hell was that?" A classmate asked from the back of the room.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hal and I hiss at the person that asked.

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