Chapter 14- Judgement Day

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"Sol where are we going?" Hal asked nervously from the passenger seat.

I smirked as I drive down the highway. The next three days after what happened with Nikolai in the woods were filled with sunshine.

But today, this morning it rained and I came into school looking like the devil.

An evil grin on my face as I pulled Hal away from his classes for his punishment.

"Sol please tell me where we're going." Hal begged and I kept quiet as I sped up and pulled off into an exit. A few minutes later we pulled up to a narrow dirt path.

"Start walking Hally boy." I say as I turn off the car and jump out.

We walk for maybe twenty minutes before we come to a clearing, the sounds of water crashing beneath us loud and angry. The grey skies and dim water looked absolutely lethal. Like poison.

I smell Hal's nervous sweat as he began to shake his head.


"Strip." I say a cruel smirk on my face.

"What?" The fear in his eyes almost made me laugh.

"I said strip."

He began shaking his head harder.

"I'm not doing this, you can't make me do this Sol. You wouldn't." He says as his eyes keep darting to the edge of the cliff. The walk off was like a diving board reaching out to the sky.

It was far enough away from the edge to where it would be a clean and safe dive. Hal didn't need to know that though.

I cock an eyebrow and let out a deep breath.

"Sol I'm not doing this!" He shouts. The pocket knife coming out quickly, flicking the blade out and holding it up for him to see.

"You can either strip on your own, or I could do it myself."

With a look of anger on his face he snatches off his jacket, throwing it to the floor. His shirt and pants come off thudding against the cold hard ground. Kicking his shoes off and snatching off his socks.

Left only in a pair of briefs that have a kiss mark near the hem.

"Those too." I point my knife at his briefs.

"Solus don't do this to me! I need one thing!"

"This is your punishment. If I have to go through days of people ogling me and feeling uncomfortable, then you should be able to manage it for a couple minutes. Now take off the briefs."

"I hoped you'd say that under different circumstances. Honestly speaking, will this get you to sleep with me?"

"That remains to be seen."

In one quick move, his briefs are off. He stands there naked as the day he was born, and shaking from the cold air.

I get a good look at his member and remain impassive. But on the inside, I was dying of laughter and thinking of the best punchline to use.

"Honestly Hal, with how much you talk about your dick, I expected better." I say and click my tongue. His face and neck going red with embarrassment as his hands move to cover himself.

"Walk the plank, Peter Pan we don't got all day!" Swinging my arm to the cliff's edge. He huffs in aggravation and moves to the edge.

Stop just a foot from the edge he peaks over.

"Sol do not make me do this, please!" He shouts as the waves crash against the grey rocks.

"Jump Hal!" I shout.

"Please Solus, I'm begging you here as a naked man!"

"More like a naked little boy!"

"Solus!" His voice echoing and moving with the wind. I tried my best to keep a straight face it was useless. My face was split into a full toothy smile as I shook with silent laughter.

Putting my fingers in my mouth I let out a wolf whistle to the left of me.

"Who's that!" Hal turned too fast and stumbled back, his arms flailing as he fell over the edge.

I let out a howl of laughter as Hal let out the most girlish scream possible. Throwing my head back as I heard the splash, my eyes tearing up as I clutched my chest.

I hurriedly took off my own coat, shirt, and shoes, leaving only my sports bra and yoga pants on. Running fast the the edge, I do a back hand spring and flip as I launch myself off the cliff's edge.

Let out my own adrenaline filled scream as I fell to the water.

The cold water took me in kindly as I plummeted to its depths. Darkness surrounded me and I felt my body lock up. Looking up to the surface, the dull glow of the grey sky was clear enough, but the waves were at full force.

But where I was, it was peaceful.


Bubbles lifting from my nose and mouth and I could see Hal treading the surface.

Swimming up, my body feeling the cold seeping into the muscles, all the way into the bones. The surface seemed so far as I pushed my body up.

My legs kicking with effort, I broke the surface and inhaled.

"Oh my god! I thought you were dead!" Hal shouts.

"Would you have really cared if I died?" I say spitting out some water.

"No, but who the hell would give me a ride back to town!"

"You can walk." I say and begging swimming towards the shore. Hal follows shouting his apologies.

Once out of the water, we move fast. Climbing to the top and getting our things as the cold was starting to make us feel numb.

"I can't feel my dick! Why can't I feel my dick!"

"It wouldn't be that big of a loss!" We run back to the car to help our bodies warm up. Jumping inside and turning on the heater, both of us putting our hands to the dash board.

"I cannot believe you just made me do that." Hal's teeth clacking together and I snort.

"Should teach you that you can't win against me."

"I've learned my lesson. I will never make another bet with you for as long as I live." He says.

"You haven't learned shit, Hal." I say as I start the car. "You're going to challenge me again, I will win again, and I will once again have to teach you why you should bet against me."


We sit in the diner as we basically make love to our piping hot cups of hot chocolate.

I finish mine in record time, groaning loudly as I feel it trail into my stomach. Licking the mustache of chocolate off my lip and letting my head fall to the table.

"This is your fault." Hal hisses at me.

"Is it Hal? Is it really my fault?"

"This wouldn't have happened if you-"

"If you weren't such a stupid cunt chasing piece of dirt cobbler." I cut him off stirring up right.

"I knew that was your voice!" Someone squeals from the other side of the diner and I freeze at the familiar and cheerful voice of one Crowned Beta Christine.

I turn my head slightly to see her bouncing up to our table. Holland right next to her, his eyes looking to Hal with no politeness. His eyes flicker to mine and he gives me a cool smile.

"Oh it's so good to see you!" She says taking in my appearance. "You look,"

"Wet." Hal says bitterly as he wrings out his hair and flicks the water at me.

"You really must wanna walk home." I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"What have you two been up to?" Holland asks.

"It was judgement day."

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